February 20, 2008

Way-back Wednesday

I hereby solemnly swear to never send one of my future daughters to school wearing a Scarlett O'Hara reject dress.  Or one with bells sewn into the hem.  Or with that haircut.

Wow, if I didn't already suffer from "cross-eye" in this picture, those glasses would have certainly created that illusion.  Wow, I think I'm wearing a blue sweater vest over a blue polo.  My eyes weren't that bad; what was wrong with me????

Not really that way back, 1999, but I had to post something decent-looking after that last picture.  This was a cast party after I performed in Grease in college.  (Check out the mug on that guy in the chair.)


Simply Sarah *K* said...

I hate to post so fast...but you made me giggle with the "Scarlet Ohara reject dress"...good pics! And 1999 is when I graduated from High School! hahahahahahaha....ok, not that funny Ü.

Anonymous said...

How many "senior years" did you have, Sarah?

Simply Sarah *K* said...


Simply Sarah *K* said...

at least I passed band, anonymous!

Sarah Young said...

Okay, I'm glad I'm not the only one scarred by some of the things my Mom dressed me in back in the day and swore it was the style! I had big, jade green glasses in Elementary school and that awful Dutch Boy haircut when I was younger. I swore I'd never do that kind of stuff to my kids! I'm sure they'll find some other way I unknowingly damaged them though! :)

Jenny said...

What part did you play in 'Grease'? I heard you're going to be playing Emma in the RS thing. Just to warn you, I've been cast as "the friend."

Amber said...

I can't help but laugh whenever I see your pics with glasses. I really feel for that girl, but you turned out so great. Man, the tortures of growing up that we all went through!

Kelli said...

I was "Jan," the fat chick who eats all the time. And seriously, I did have to eat all during rehearsals and performances. All the pictures from the production I have a lollipop or a twinkie in my mouth, slurping stuff from a spoon - lots of pudding. Ugh. But I look so skinny in that picture! I don't even remember what that's like...
Jenny, I am so nervous about the Emma thing! I haven't done that stuff in so long. I'm going to feel so exposed and out of practice!

Jenny said...

Kelli, you are going to be fabulous! Everyone's all excited about your being Emma, they've gone on and on about it. And what better way to get back IN practice than at church where everyone already adores you! Have you ever thought about trying out at Theater Arlington? Jackie Holt does is really involved in it. You should do it!