February 15, 2008


It's always been a minor pet peeve at stores that they don't put my 20 oz. Coke in my bag.  If I'm buying several things, like groceries, and grab myself a Coke, they always put it right in front of me, without even asking where I want it, assuming I want to carry it out.  No, my hands are full thanks, what with the two giant children and fifteen grocery bags.  I always end up putting it in a bag anyway.  It graduated from a minor pet peeve to major one today when I got home from the store, itching for my cold Coke... and realized it's not here.  Probably still sitting on the counter where the checkout girl put it.  


Anonymous said...

That was your coke? It did taste good.

Shannon said...

Grrrrr! Oh, I am surprised you were even able to write about that, I would have been FUMING!

Amber said...

I HATE leaving things at the store. and I HATE it when they don't ask whether you want it in the bag or to hold it. ARGH!

*danielle* said...

I know the feeling. NOt everyone carries a large purse to throw everything in! PS: hope you don't mind but I tagged you! 5 randoms, enjoy :)

Ashley said...

I leave my milk at the bottom of my cart all the time. But, coke? That's unforgiveable.