February 14, 2008

Insert clever title here...

I don't have a lot to say today.  It was a mostly low-key day; I ran to the store for Shannon & Co. since they all have the flu.  She is always such an awesome friend to me when I'm sick, showing up at my door with DVDs and large Cokes, and it was good to be able to pay her back in some way.  Just think, someday when I've won the lottery, I'll be able to actually pay for the groceries for sick friends!  Bryce thought he was going to be late getting home and miss our chance for dinner at Pappasito's (an unintentional Valentine tradition), that he said I could have lunch there.  So I called Sarah last-minute and talked her into coming with me.  We sat on the patio, and the weather was lovely. Then I came home, I hung out with the boys, I made a boring dinner. The End.

Missy sent me another cool link today... I think I'll do one of those "Look What I Found" posts again tomorrow, when I have the time, because I had a lot of fun posting that last week, and I'll include something from the link she sent me.  That one will be separately titled "Look What Missy Found."

So, I'm totally wiped out, and must scurry off to the land of nod.  


Simply Sarah *K* said...

mmmmm....stuffed burrito! im having dreams about it already!

Missy said...

Well, I can't take credit exactly for the find. I get all my good links from Molly's blog, Favorite Things. She does giveaways, too! She finds the best stuff and has great links. She's a friend of my sister!

Molly's Favorite Things

But I will go out and do some hunts on my own and send them to you when I find them for sure! :)

By the way, since all Bowers' are sick, what are they going to do about Brady's b-day party?

Shannon said...

Thank you so much for going to the sotre for us! That two boxes of tissues has been priceless! You are the best!