February 24, 2008


Ever since Ewan started in primary, it has been my favorite part of each Sunday to sit in the back with my class and watch him in Opening Exercises. It's all I can do not to run up to the front, grab him and squeeze him right in front of everyone. Bryce and I have only been doing very sporadic Family Home Evenings with him since he was about two. Neither one of us grew up having Family Home Evening, so it's something we have to remind ourselves to do, and even then half the time we're clueless how to do it. So I've enjoyed being able to see what he's learning just in Opening Exercises, then to see what he has to say after church when we asked what he learned in class. (The answer is usually, "I don't remember," but with some prodding we can get something better out of him.)

So this morning in Opening Exercises, Sister Hutchinson was talking about the scriptures and how important it is to read them. She told the kids even one verse a day, and for them to go home and tell their parents they wanted to do this. We do read four verses every night, one for each member of the family, and the reactions from Ewan have been mixed. I know lately he's been confused because every night it seems we're talking about Nephi's vision. At any rate, today after primary, we were sitting out in the foyer during sacrament, when Ewan grabbed my scriptures and proceeded to "read." It was sweet, cute, hilarious and inspiring all at the same time. I couldn't believe the stuff that was coming out of his mouth. Tonight, he did it again, and I was able to get it on tape. He always begins with "Behold," and somewhere in there he says, "The still small voice is Heavenly Father speaking. Don't do anything wrong." And, "The scriptures are true."


Amber said...

aarrgghh! I wish my volume worked better. I can tell that was so cute. How fun for him to be learning so much and for you to see what he's actually "soaking up".

Simply Sarah *K* said...

that is SO RAD! You know what is so cool...with the Book of Mormon lesson today in RS, they touched a little on reading to your young children, just so that they have the idea in their minds.
He's such a cutie :).

Shannon said...

That is wonderful! It is so amazing how ready they are to learn! This reminds me that I need to be better at it, b/c they are WILLING! More than half the time NAtalie is the one that reminds us to bless lunch or even snack! Kids are so smart!

Missy said...

That really is adorable. We've finally gotten Ben to fold his arms during prayer and just the small things like that bring me so much joy! Ewan will be reading those pages for real in no time, but he sure does have the lingo down already!

Jenny said...

You know you're on the right track when your 3 year old starts testifying about the truthfulness of the scriptures! That's awesome.

Sarah Young said...

That was so stinkin' cute. Our kids can be such a nice reminder of how we ourselves should be.

Ashley said...

Go Ewan. Hey, you think he might be open to giving a talk at the kid's baptism?? J/K

Bittles said...

Ewan is such a cutie, Samuel watched and said "Ewan can read the scriputures his own self!" He is super impressed:) It was fun to see you guys today!