February 12, 2008

Hormonal Hayride

The Internet fast went fairly well today.  It was just a bit of a chore to catch up on all of the blogs at one time, but all is well, and my day was better for it.  At least up to a point.  

I don't normally like to be cliched and talk about "hormones," but I swear mine are having some sort of raging kegger inside my body, causing me to be completely irrational and to feel weird.  Yesterday, I spontaneously started trembling in the early afternoon, which lasted until well after dinner.  I have a tendency to tremble at times, and that alone makes me an emotional mess.  Today early on was very good, although busy.  Then I ventured out of the house to run some errands, buying diapers and such, and started ruminating over some minor events going on, and became so irrationally emotional that I was near tears in the store.  For no reason.  I was even having a logical dialogue in my head to talk me down, to no avail.  (Can one have a "logical" dialogue going on in their head?)  To make matters worse, I had grabbed one of those little $1 buckets of Teddy Grahams for the kids to snack on, and at the checkout counter, Ewan spilled every last one, save maybe ten of them, all over the floor.  The girl behind me, who had already been looking at my children like they were some sort of parasite, got even crankier-looking, and couldn't have stuck her nose further up in the air if Superman had flown by.  The check out lady was less than gracious, and the girl who came to sweep it up was quite irritated that I had made her work for her money.  Then Ewan peeks into the nearly empty cup and says, "I need more."  The evening culminated in Ewan refusing to eat his peas, Bryce backing him up by giving him a piece of chocolate and me shouting, "I don't even know why ya'll have a mother, you can obviously raise yourselves!" and slamming myself into the bedroom, where I flopped on the bed and devoured an InStyle.  

I'm okay now.  Really.


Shannon said...

Oh sweetie! I am sorry you had a horrible day! I hate snooty women at the store! I hope instyle did you good and that you were able to relax with a nice bath! Please call if you just need to vent! I will be at home all day nursing my sick boys!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

UGH...Im sorry that all had to come back up again! And in Target of all places! Shopping is supposed to be FUN!
And HOPEFULLY the hormones are just increasing because of you know what Ü....
I got one of those ladies at WM today, too...AND a comment from a WM employee...I wish there was a smack-clause for people like that. We should be able to SMACK the look off their face...

Kelli said...

Uh-oh, Sarah, you are going to have people thinking I'm pregnant! I'm not, everyone, I pinky-swear. What was the comment from the Wal-mart employee?

Ashley said...

I get one of those all the time. Part of the reason is my Target is in a very wealthy neighborhood. Homes go from 300,000 to over a million. So, even the clerks are snooty. I don't know why though. I am shopping there and they WORK there. What's up with the hormones chick?

Kelli said...

Are you asking me what's up with hormones? I have no idea, I've been out of whack ever since Fynn was a fetus!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Oh I know! Sounded like that, didn't it?! WHOOPS...but here's to hoping!
EH...I constantly get comments like "Would you please not let her do that" when Bella is going in the clothes rack! They yell at me like a MILLI-SECOND before I am about to yell at her its even more frustrating.
Then today it was "Oh get her down before she falls" when Bella was sitting in the back of the cart. Ummm...lady, we have been here for an hour and she hasn't fallen yet...we are an INCH away from the exit, give me a break.

Shannon said...

YOu know I just remembered, hormones went CRAZY after Brady, and the only way I go to be semi-sane again was I got on YAZ, but that would defeat the purpose if you were trying to have another little one!

Kelli said...

Well,no, not trying yet. My hormones aren't that bad all the time, it's just been the last few days. And maybe it's not even hormones, it could just be I'm extra tired or, and this is probably most likely, my eating has been even worse than usual.

Ashley said...

I have never understood why people think it's ok to say anything to you regarding your child. What if you want to let them stand in the cart with no seatbealt strap on huh? Or, run in the parking lot? They're yours! MYOB!!! I rarely if ever get onto my friends kids unless they are being super awful. It's just not my job.

Amber said...

OK, I was going to ask "Are you prego?" but I see that the answer to that question has already been posted.

As for the nasty store workers - It's very annoying to have people that are half you age (or close to half) and never had children to tell you how you should be parenting. But, the great thing is - what goes around ALWAYS comes around.

Erica said...

Thanks for the laugh...not at you, with you! :)