February 07, 2008


So, thoughts on the show tonight? So much... polar bear skeleton in the desert with a Dharma collar, plane underwater, bullet-proof vests...


Simply Sarah *K* said...

talk about this all b/c the REAL writers were on strike...we got some half-writers concocting all this madness?? I mean, I'm GLAD they get rescued..but not so much in one episode PUH-LEASE!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

but ALAS...I will watch till the end, since thats the only way to clear up the confusion! LOL

Ashley said...

i am lovin it! i seriously can't wait til next week! sooo good! hopefully they tape some more episodes now that the strike is over. otherwise, after next week, it's almost half over!

Kelli said...

Is the strike fully over? I thought it was only some independent companies had come to an agreement...

Ashley said...

I am guessing they are close to over from what I heard. But, I am hoping that the writers have been coming up with great ideas while on strike. Either way, I am loyal to the very end. I will be sad when it's over.

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

Loved the new episode!
The polar bear in the desert!? And who is the guy running the mission, visiting Hurly in the flashes from after they are rescued?
Can't wait until next week!

Shannon said...

Yeah we thought it was pretty good! They had to add some new plaot mysteries to help it make it through 2 more seasons, it will be fun to see how it all pans out. Definitely has our interest!