February 20, 2008

Good news and funky news

Fynn had a follow-up appointment with an orthopedist today, and the good news is that the break is minor enough that he doesn't need a cast or splint.  I can let him crawl around as normal, and the doctor seemed to think it would hurt Fynn enough to walk that he would keep weight off of it on his own.  He doesn't know Fynn very well.  He's just limping around like it's nothing over here. But the doctor wasn't at all concerned about the bone.  What he was concerned about, however, was the huge pressure sore on his heel.  It's basically like a bed sore.  The splint didn't have enough padding on the heel, so it wasn't getting any blood flow.  When this happens, the body cuts off the blood flow to that area and the skin and surrounding tissue dies.  This can happen in as little as two hours, and they told me it takes longer for these to heal than the bone itself.  The doctor seemed very concerned about this, and two residents came in with him to check it out.  Fynn has to go back in two weeks, not even to have the bone checked, but the sore.  Apparently they can be dangerous if they get bad enough.  I have to watch for the skin turning black and breaking down.  He'll be barefoot for a while, as his heel needs to stay dry and aired out.  I did hear the doc say that the area hadn't formed a hard casing yet, and it's not an open sore, so I guess that's good.  It looked awful at first, just this huge purple bruise-looking area with a white circle around it.  It has now faded to red, and I am hoping that because he is so young and active, it will heal quickly.  But I still have the what-ifs in the back of my head.  So while I'm not one to usually ask people to pray for me, I am asking that now.  Please keep Fynn in your prayers and heart that we can just sweep this all under the rug soon and move on.  And the poor guy, it really hurts him.  He cried the whole way home from the doctor.  


Anonymous said...

Who are these people working in the emergency room? They made it worse. We'll keep little Fynn in our prayers. Even Bella has been praying for him.

elisa said...

Oh, that sounds awful. I hope you guys are recovering from what seems like an already hellish week.
We love you all!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

I love barefoot babies Ü.

Shannon said...

Geez! First the bone then the sore! I can't believe they inadvertently made it worse! I hope they were appologizing to you profusley! I would have been pissed, this has been so much for one mommy to deal with. Hopefully he will heal well, we will all be better from any illnesses, and everyone can get ack to a happy healthy existence!

Amber said...

Poor little guy, we'll keep the pray vigil up here in NY too.