November 13, 2007

R.I.P., Law and Order: SVU

Alas, one of my favorite shows has floundered into oblivion for me. I love a good murder mystery, especially when it involves serial killers. Call me morbid, but I love it. And SVU was usually a very good source of such plot lines. But this new season...BLEH! The first 30 minutes starts out promising every week. A good juicy murder or attack, lots of mystery and intrigue. Then - WHAM! The characters are engaging in rigorous debate, pontificating about politics, usually the war in Iraq, or something related, like the Patriot Act. It's just so lame. Seriously, if I wanted a political debate, I would tune in to Channel 13 on Sunday mornings. Tonight I thought we'd actually escaped, not counting a random disgusted commented spit out by a schizophrenic about the President and the war. But then the last 30 minutes were all about the debate of capital punishment. And it would be annoying enough if they debated both cases fairly, but they don't. Instead it's a totally skewed opinion badly disguised as equally representing both sides. It's like the writers/producers/director or whoever are using it for their personal forum to air out grievances. It's disgusting. And now a show I have watched for years is dead to me. Maybe I should write a script for a show where they investigate the death of Law and Order: SVU. Lots of DNA evidence and bad scripts found in the trunks of cars or buried alive. It just needs a good stupid name, like Real Autopsy SVU: Back to Iraq.


Mariah said...

We just watched it too...Troy was disappointed

Anonymous said...

It has gotten ridiculous! Surely we arent the only ones who have noticed.

Ashley said...

You should watch CSI. Plenty of gore, mystery, crime, and drama. No politics! We love it!

Cris, Jon, Austin and Ethan said...

I used to be so addicted, that i requested the season for Christmas, but I catch myself watching it only if i come across it. If you really like morbid, you should watch cold case files but beware of nightmares. its pretty interesting but soooo morbid. i'll warn you that you may feel an absence of the spirit when it's

Simply Sarah *K* said...

I like to go back and watch the old re-runs on USA, they play it all day long. The new ones are pretty lame. I guess it has been on forever...there is only so much a story line can take!
AHH...and CSI....I LOVE that show...I heard this season was good, too. If only I wasnt so addicted to the Office and Grey's!

Missy said...

I am so glad you said this! It's been bugging me for the past month! I've only watched it because it comes on right after Biggest Loser. It's like one huge attempt at dissing anything government-related. It makes me so mad! I have to stop my dvr from even recording any of it. I don't them to get the ratings!

Unfortunately I can see it creeping into CSI, too with Brass' Gitmo comment. They just can't help themselves!

Missy said...

Oh, and Sarah, you should watch CSI, it really is sooo good this season!