November 15, 2007

Nominate her for Mensa

Tonight on the news, every channel was talking about the huge tanker explosion today. I had it tuned in to Channel 5, and they were showing pictures that passersby took with their cell phone cameras. They come to one that shows a couple of firemen crouched close to the fire. Suddenly, the newscaster's voice gets low and dramatic and slow, and she says, "Look how close those firemen are to the fire..." Said full of wonderment, as if she was saying, "Look how close that alien spaceship is hovering over the Pentagon."

Thank you, Captain Genius. I had no idea firemen got close to fires. Alert the cotton-pickin' media!

Oh, wait. Someone did.

*I mentioned this in the comments, but want to post something here, too. Since I posted this, the driver of the tanker died. I feel bad, because I wasn't trying to make light of a tragic situation. So forgive me if it seemed insensitive; it wasn't my intention.


Ashley said...

She must double as the weather girl...

Mariah said...


Amber said...

I know your post is about the dumb reporter but...i just read the story and O MY GOSH, that is so SAD. And both of their wives are prego - i just want to CRY!

Kelli said...

I know, when I very first posted it, they weren't dead. I knew they were burned, but they died a few hours later. So I feel like I was making light of it, but I really wasn't.

Anonymous said...

Tell her it's for Creed. She'll know what that means.

Kelli said...

Do I want to be feared or loved? Um... easy, both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.