January 10, 2008

Way-back Wednesday, way late

So, I almost forgot about this, but Erica's post about glasses prompted a comment from me, and I remembered I had some lovely pictures that demonstrated exactly what I was talking about.
Here I am about 4 years old. Wearing bifocals, and had been for a year. See, I never did have a chance...


Ashley and Amy my sisters, and yours truly. This is actually kind of funny. Those are real fur coats. I'm torn, as an animal lover and avid hater of the fur industry, my adult self is horrified. But I remember petting that coat at night as it hung on the corner of my bed. So soft. Perhaps Edgar the Rabbit's behavior was some sort of cosmic payback. (I was going to link an old post to "Edgar the Rabbit" to remind all of his behavior. But when I went to get the link, there were actually too many posts referring to him.)

Man, I'm starting to look forward to these Wednesdays. Old, ugly, embarrassing pictures are SO.MUCH.FUN.


Ashley said...

Man, who is that babe on the left? I remember feeling so rich in my fur coat, and it was so soft. At the time Grandma still had a pet rabbit out back. Come to think of it, where exactly did those coats come from?

Ashley said...

I look at old photos of myself as a child, and back then thought I was so awful. I realize now that I was pretty cute. I wish I knew one tenth then that I know now. Life would have been so different. I am having a woe is me day can you tell?

Shannon said...

LOLOL, what a nice treat to wake up to! These sure put a smile on my face at 7:30 in the morning! And Ashley, I feel the same! I would kill to be the size I was back in H.S. I thought I was so fat (I was still goofy looking though, so the cute factor isn't there for me, LOL).

Kelli said...

Hmmm, where did those come from? I never thought about it.

Missy said...

I, on the other hand, was a fatty when I was in high school and it took me going on a date with another fatty when I was 19 (my first date, mind) to get my butt in gear so I was at my skinniest right before I met John. Like a size 2 skinny! I'll have to post pictures of super fat Missy and then super skinny Missy!

And you know what, Kelli? It seems that no matter what stage of life we are in, we can always look back and see how we wish we knew what we did now. But honestly I wouldn't trade the hard and awkward experiences for anything because they've made me who I am today. Just think of the compassion we'll have for our kids when they go through hard times.

Kelli said...

I had my fatty stage, too. And someday I hope to get to the point where I wouldn't change anything, and perhaps I wouldn't. But I just wish I could have shaken myself and said, "YOU AREN'T THAT BAD! JUST BE! And quit trying to be something else, for Pete's sake!" But, yes, at least we'll have compassion and understanding for our kids and be able to arm them as best we can.

Ashley said...

I am in my fatty stage, for like the last 9 years. Ugh!