January 16, 2008

My dad can beat up your dad.

Bryce finally got his cotton-pickin' Wii, after weeks of calling every retailer over and over, "Do you have any Wiis? Thanks. (Dialing) Do you have any Wiis? Oh, thanks. (Dialing) Do you have any Wiis?" And on and on. It got to the point that one night when we had company, Ewan leaned across the table at dinner and asked my guest, "Do you have any Wiis?" Bryce finally ordered one on Ebay, it arrived this morning, and before dinner, he and Ewan created their avatars. We let Ewan do whatever he wanted, so his is quite hilarious. Now they have been bowling, and Ewan, who's never bowled before, is almost kicking Bryce's butt. Seriously, this kid keeps getting strikes and spares. It's pretty funny. Witness Ewan's avatar and the final score on his first game of bowling, Bryce is on the left, Ewan on the right:


Shannon said...

First of all congratulations Bryce! and second of all you guys are SO nice to let Ewan play! We are meanies and won't let Natalie do it, we did create her a little mii and it is so cute, she loves when we are her when we bowl. Now you guys need to get wireless so we can play each other while at our own homes! FUN!

Kelli said...

Ah, ya'll should let her play! And wouldn't it be cute if Ewan and Natalie could play each other.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Thats awesome that you finally got it! And having Ewan ask that was hilarious! I bet he is so excited to finally have it! (And Bryce, too)
It sounds like you are having a bunch of fun already...putting together the avatars is the funniest part!
Bella got to play at her Papa's house in MN and it's hilarious! Her bowling score wasn't quite as good as Ewans! LOL that is awesome, buddy!

Shannon said...

Maybe we would let her play with Ewan, that would be funny! but we are meanies and dont want her to be too electronic literate, too early!

Kelli said...

I understand what you mean, and I felt that way for a while, too. But then I thought about the world he's growing up in, and he's going to have to be electronically literate in order to make it. Schools are using computers and video games to teach kids now. I just limit his time severely. He gets 20 minutes of computer time a day, and the Wii will be the same thing. They should play together!

Shannon said...

Oh yeah, we let her use the computer and stuff, for sure, she needs to know how to use a mouse, follow directions, type, etc. We are just trying to be careful with video games, because we know how we are, LOL, and we dont want to create another monster! She does love to watch us play though, which makes it nice! Keith is playing this one game on the playstation called Kingdom Hearts and it has all these disney characters so she loves to watch it and "help".

Missy said...

I think Ewan is channeling John Lennon in his avatar. Very funny!

And I think the Wii is a genius invention. I have no qualms with kids getting up and active, even if it's with a video game. I mean, at least there not on their butts starting at a tv for 10 hours a day!

Did you guys read Pioneer Woman's Wii story? It's linked on her blog and it's funny. Wii's bring families together! I want one!

Ashley said...

Hayden always beats me and all the other kids at bowling. Real bowling not Wii, wii r 2 poor.

Kelli said...

Oh, Bryce and I are poor, too. And maybe it wasn't the smartest thing, but it really was his Christmas present, and we NEVER buy anything on credit. And I mean never. That's our justification, however weak it may be.

Shannon said...

I testify to the exercising powers of the wii, when we first gout our Keith and I were sore for weeks from playin gbowling and baseball, the boxing is a really good work out too! Fun!