January 04, 2008

Meep, growing up is hard to do...

Well, after some consideration, I've decided it's time to wean Fynn. And it makes me kinda sad. I love to breastfeed and have that quiet time with him, but he has started expecting it too much throughout the night, and I'm losing sleep. Plus, he won't nurse much during the day, so it's almost kind of pointless. Except, meep. I'm not going to be all precious and say that breastfeeding is "magical" or anything like that, but it's just time I enjoyed with both my babies, and it has really been a success for us. So I'm going to miss it. Very much. Also, his weight has always been kind of low for his height. He's not skinny by any means, but at his doctor's appointment today, I was told he's in the 75th percentile for height, and in the 25th percentile for weight. She really wanted me to get him on whole milk. So we embark on Project Fattening Up Fynn. At least I say it is time to wean, but I know I will totally keep giving in for a while. Because every time I think of it, I don't like it, it doesn't seem like it's time to stop. I feel like he was JUST BORN for crying out loud.


Simply Sarah *K* said...

Im a-feelin' your pain sister! But just think in just a little while there will be a new spirit to feed!! You're such a good momma!

Shannon said...

Does sarah know something I don't????? and who says Fynn needs fattening? I think he is so perfectly perfect!

Kelli said...

No, no babies yet! I promise. Just planning for the future.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

I think we all have the next one planned in our heads....I know I do! fever is no fun!

Ashley said...

Can I just say that I just met and held the baby girl I am gonna be watching and oh man..... My baby fever just rose about 10 degrees higher. And, Chloe got to feed her a bottle, she grinned the entire time. Is 10 too young for baby fever?