January 03, 2008

It's the New Year, what else am I supposed to do?

So... yeah... resolutions. Mixed feelings about those. On the one hand, as my sister Ashley pointed out, it's not as if you wake up on January 1st a completely different person. Like all those habits that are so hard to break all year magically become less difficult to deal with. Or you wake up with a shiny, brand-new case of will-power and self-discipline. On the other hand, it is a chance for a new beginning. I think we are all always looking for ways to self-improve or a new beginning, and having the calendar date begin with 1/1 just screams "FRESH START! COME AND GET IT, COME ONE COME ALL, FRESH START FOR A BARGAIN!"

So, in the spirit of those conflicting feelings toward ye olde New Year's resolutions, I am trying to steer clear of the cliched stuff (except for weight loss, have to try that one) and gearing toward more random, hopefully helpful stuff. Don't get me wrong, I'm still trying to improve in terms of scripture study and prayer, but those are nothing new. So in that spirit, here is my list of resolutions, in no particular order, hopefully not forgetting anything right now:

1. Lose 30 lbs. in preparation for baby #3. I am so sick of seeing my double $%! chin in pictures.
2. After tucking Ewan in, spend at least 10 minutes of "just being" time with him. Wherein we may talk about anything from the meaning of life to where fleas sleep.
3. Stop being so BUSY! all the time.
4. Stop yelling.
5. Stop being afraid of offending people. Be more upfront with people when I'm upset.
6. Stop getting upset so much.
7. Take kids to park once a week.
8. Be outside more.
9. Choose to be happy.
10. No, I won't be giving up Coke, but perhaps I'll cut out the 20 oz. (Does anyone else hear that crazy, maniacal laughter?)

So there you have it. See you all on the other side.


Ashley said...

I almost did a resolution list. But, then I figured why let everyone see me fail. I am setting myself up for a letdown, since my list is so big!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Good ones! You're gonna do great :). I like Ashley's way of thinking....
Im going to post mine if I can even get thru these bloody trip pictures! They are great...just taking way too much time!

Jill said...

good luck with your resolutions!