January 18, 2008

Coke cures all ills

I feel like my head was run over by a steamroller, like someone has poked chopsticks into my ears and stirred them around, like someone played baseball with my Adam's apple, and my muscles and bones feel like I had a long session with a sadistic personal trainer. I will not be posting much.


Jenny said...

Here is the extent of my personal caffienated diet soda addiction...if I don't have one by around 4 pm, I have an eyeball headache that pounds my skull. So I'm feelin' ya. Gotta have my Diet Dr. K (Kroger brand). Okay, so maybe its not exactly the same but everything is coke to Texans.

Missy said...

I hope you feel better, Kelli! My eyes feel like they're going to pop out of my head right now too. I think it's sinuses. I will be getting a diet coke (my drug of choice!) sometime today!!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Hope you feel better! :)

Shannon said...

Oh no! Hope you are feeling better SOON! If you run out of medicine (aka coke) and there is no one around to ease your pain, you know you can call me for a 7-11 trip!

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

Coke is my drug of choice, too :)
Hope you're feeling better soon.

Amazing Grace said...

I hope you're feeling better! You look great! (even when you're sick.)
The kids are so grown, where has the time gone???

Ashley said...

Do you have the flu, Kel?

Kelli said...

I thought I did, but I'm feeling a bit better today, so maybe not.