January 11, 2008

"Everybody knows/It sucks to grow up...

And everybody does/It's so weird to be back here."

Shannon scanned tons of pictures for me from my childhood, three of which I just posted. And I'm mostly joking when I say "I never had a chance" because in those three pictures, I'm just a baby, really. But when I look at the other ones, ones I haven't yet posted, when I'm a little older, I remember. I was always so sad. I always felt like such an outcast and had no idea the person I was to become. I was so afraid of who I was and being myself and just accepted I was a total loser. I was always so hopeless. And in some of the pictures, I can see that in my face, and I can remember things that happened to me, cruel things kids said. Things that the person I am now would never have allowed. It makes me ache to remember. And I just want to reach in those pictures and give that girl a big hug and MAKE her understand it's not that bad, that she's pretty cool, and that she'll be happy someday. Oh, and also to quit feeling sorry for herself. A hard lesson to learn, that.


Ashley said...

Gosh, I need to remember that today. I am feeling like a huge loser, like I have accomplished nothing in my life. I am a mom, but I really suck at it.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Thats so good that you can remember that, because now you will have that intuition for YOUR reach out to them and not let the cycle be continued!

Shannon said...

I wish we all could've seen to the future back in those days! It would've given us peace to know "I will get through this!!" I think the same probably could be said about our situations now, years from now we will look back on these times and think, "If only..." I find myself wishing for the days of a house/real job/etc, and then I think I should appreciate what I have b/c this is a good stage! I wish the same could've been said about H.S.! AND guess did turn aout Awesome!

and Ashley...seriously! You are NOT a bad mom!

Kelli said...

Ashley, you don't suck at being a mom!

Anonymous said...

Is this Ben Folds Five Song?

Missy said...

I love love love Ben Folds. Sigh. Did I say love already?