January 26, 2008

Pop and Fizzle

I went to get Fynn a belated birthday present, and decided to make it a combined gift for him and Ewan. He has enough toys and clothes, and since he loves fish, and makes a little popping sound when you ask him what fishies say...
They are bettas. Easy enough. On the left is Fizzle, and on the right is Pop. Their names came to me before I even decided to buy them. They are in this cool (read, cheap) cage that keeps the males separated, but they can still see each other, and will "flare." That's why Fizzle's fins are all spread out, he's being super intimidating. I love how they are staring at each other. It's a funny coincidence to Sarah's recent fish purchase, as on the day she bought hers, I was in another Walmart across town contemplating buying some myself. We might get them together and try some cross-breeding. They will be the colors of the sunset. We'll call them Gold-betas. Or something. Maybe James can come up with something clever.


Shannon said...

Gah! I swear we are not copying, but we are totally getting Natalie a fish for her birthday! We are going to wait until it comes closer so she can come with us and pick it out herself. I think this is such a great age for them to start learning about other living things, and how to take care of something that is alive! Will be fun for all 3 kiddos to have fishies!

Kelli said...

Then you should get a third "breed" so we can have tri-bred fish! Or something.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

I think Gold-beta's is a really good name...cause, really...if you switched it around it would be Beta-fish, and they are still that!! LOL. They are VERY cute, I just love how they "flare"! Typical territorial MEN!