January 13, 2008

Helping Hands


Ashley said...

How sweet! Is Fynn walking yet?

Kelli said...

Well, he's being very stubborn about it. He'll totally take two or three steps, then drop in a panic. I think he can, he just won't.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

That is pure sweetness right and blue sweetness!

Shannon said...

both of their faces are priceless, love this pic!

Scuba Steve said...

Love the picture, your kids are so cute. I think Ben misses them some times even though he gets to see them at church.

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

So sweet! What a good big brother he is!

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

Ewan is so smart! He asks me lots of questions in Primary. Yesterday in Sharing time they were leaning about the Plan of Salvation and they mentioned the word resurrection. Ewan looked up at Sharon, who was doing Sharing Time, and said, "What does resurrection mean?"

Kelli said...

Thanks everyone.

John & Missy - Ben should totally come and play sometime, it would be fun.

Julie - Ewan is a big questioner, and asking what words mean is the most frequent one. (That and "What do *insert animal here* eat?) Sometimes he asks me about words that I know what they mean, but there's no way to explain it to a three year old. Like last night he asked me what "about" means. I'm like, "Ummmm, it means about?"

Missy said...

Come on Fynn, let go of the table! You can do it!

John beat me to the punch, they're so cute!

Amber said...

so cute. Is that your table in the background? I can't tell but it looks like you have a miss matched pair of chairs, possibly painted, in different colors. I ADORE that look, so homey and comfortable.

Kelli said...

Yes, I have a green one, a yellow one, and that blue one. I had another purple one that broke, but I'll be painting another one at some point. And I got them all at different places. A couple my mother in law got off of someone's curb. May explain the broken thing...