December 30, 2007

Pill Poppin' Momma

Most of the day today, I've suffered one of the worst headaches of my life, along the entire right side of my face, down through my cheek into my neck. It got worse as the day wore on, and I forgot to take any medicine before we left for church. Immediately after sacrament today, we had to drive straight to Mary Ann's to have dinner with some of her friends that wanted to spend time with us. By the time we got there, my head was so bad it felt like one of my eyes was closing in pain, and my face was going to melt off if something wasn't done. Bryce fetched me some Tylenol, and I took three instead of my normal two, since I have a high tolerance for pain medication and wanted to make sure it worked this time. About an hour later, after eating, I was sitting at the kitchen table with Mary Ann's friends, making pleasantries, when I found myself kind of dozing off in the middle of sentences. My eyes were burning, and in general I felt like you do after childbirth when you are so drugged up that you hear the nurse ask a question, but fall asleep before you can even answer. At one point, everything even went white like it does when I'm about to pass out. In case anyone thought my slurring was due to sneakin' jello shots in the bathroom, I mentioned the unexplained drowsiness. I kept thinking, "There's no way Tylenol would make me dizzy like this." I think Mary Ann and I realized something at the same time, and I had a flashback of the pills Bryce had dumped into my hand. They were blue. Do you see where I'm going with this? Mary Ann checked the cabinet, and sure enough, it was Tylenol PM. I think I looked more sober than I was as I made my way from the kitchen table to the living room couch, where I promptly grabbed a pillow and slipped into a mini coma. When we got up to leave, as people were talking to me, everything seemed to be on time-delay, slow and with tracers. But doggonit, my headache was gone.

Once we made our way home and Fynn was asleep, I crawled into bed at 8:00, and slept like a drunkard until just a few minutes ago. I just had to get up to wash up, and now I feel the waves of semi-consciousness washing over me again.

But doggonit, my headache is back.

I just hope they don't send me to rehab. But if they do, I'll be sure to get some autographs from Britney and Lindsay for everyone.


Ashley said...

That reminds me of last year at Hunter's b-day sleepover. This kid hit his head (Jon was swinging his big ole camera, and clunk!) anyway I had gone to the bakery to fetch the cake and when I got back that kid was asleep (8:00). He slept through EVERYTHING and he was the last to wake-up at 11 in the morning. Anyway, long story short, Jon accdentally gave him 2 Tylenol PM's for his head, and he was only 11!!! I was mortified, and couldn't apologize to his Mom enough. Needless to say, that kid has never been back or spoken to Hunter since!

Ashley said...

sorry that was so long! Hope you're head feels better. It sounds like a migraine or a sinus infection. I started to get migraines after I had Hayden. By the way, the blue Advil gelcaps are awesome, and fast!

Shannon said...

Awww, that sucks that you felt crappy AND had to go to a family thing, those can be awful if you are feeling sick. At least you got a nap out of the deal. I hope you are feeling better soon!

Kelli said...

Ashley, that is so funny/not funny! Crazy! Was the woman nice about it? Except for 30 minutes where I brushed my teeth, washed my face and got on the computer, I slept for 12 hours straight.

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

I hate having headaches. Hope you're feeling better now!

Shannon said...

oh my goodness, 12 hours straight? I might need to get me some little blue pills! Sounds like an absolute dream!

Ashley said...

She was stunned I think. Nice enough, just a blank stare kinda?! I would love to sleep ininterrupted like that, but 8 hours would be perfect!

Kelli said...

I guess I kind of deserved it though, lately Fynn has been waking up A LOT at night, and it's been ages since I've had uninterrupted sleep. It was starting to wear on me. I just happened to get lucky that last night he actually slept through the night.