December 20, 2007

Christmas Tag

I'm supposed to write twelve things that get me in the Christmas spirit. Here goes:

1. Watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
2. Snow. (Ha!)
3. The smell of fresh Christmas trees.
4. Santa Mouse, a book from childhood that Ewan has now.
5. Seeing the excitement in Ewan's face over things I was once excited about.
6. Egg-nog, not that I've ever had any of either kind (alcoholic or non-alcoholic), but the idea of it is soooo Christmas. I think I should try some.
7. Olives.
8. The thought of Grandma's house. (*Sigh*)
10. Memories of Barbies from Christmases past.
11. There's a song by Phil Collins that was playing one Christmas on my sister's new radio, and I don't know the name of it, don't remember the words, but every once in a verrrrrry long while, by chance, I'll hear it, and BAM I'm seven years old and opening my Barbie McDonald's and Hawaiian Barbie while listening to it. If I ever figure out which song it is, I am so putting it on iTunes.
12. Movies like You've Got Mail, Serendipity... anything that takes place during that time of the year.

Lame list, I know. And I'm only tagging one person, Ashley. And I realize there's nothing on here about the real reason for Christmas. I'm keeping my feelings close to my chest on that one. My words won't do it justice.


Ashley said...

I was just wondering about egg-nog yesterday. They have egg-nog flavored ice cream sandwiches... What Phil Collins song????

Kelli said...

I don't know the name of it. When I get time to do some research, hopefully I can find it.