March 04, 2008

My heart walking outside of my body

Last week I enrolled Ewan in a real, live preschool.  He will be attending twice a week for three hours.  I did this because he is so bright, and because he seems to be completely bored out of his mind here at home with me.  He plays better by himself than ever, often inventing, narrating and acting out Thomas the Tank Engine stories with the few trains he has, but he still gets very bored. I wanted him to be around some different kids close to his own age, and have some structured activities and learning experiences.  We were participating in a "co-op" preschool with some mothers in the ward that met once a week.  That worked really well for awhile, but lately it just hasn't been panning out as well, and I felt Ewan needed more of a classroom setting.  Today was his first day, and can I tell you how strange it felt to leave him there? Just the oddest, unusual feeling.  And there was a minor battle with the teacher about whether or not he should be in the four-year-old class.  He turns four on the 20th, and I know all moms say this, but he really is very smart and is beyond anything they would do in a 3-year-old class.  After a little back-and-forth between the teacher and I, she agreed to try it for one day.  He was ecstatic to go, and ecstatic to have me leave.  I've just never left him with anyone other than a babysitter I trusted as much as myself.  It helped that Natalie was there, and that I watched Shannon leave her, so I know everything is okay.  But still, it was just surreal and kind of sad.  Like I'm pushing him out into the real world.  I know, I know, I am totally melodramatic.  

I have rare time to myself because Bryce took Fynn to his follow-up appointment with the orthopedist in Fort Worth.  So I think I will curl up with a good book and perhaps some Coke.  (At 9 in the morning?!  Not really, but I thought about it.)  But first I think it's time to go have a good cry.


Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

All mothers do think, or hope, that their children are incredibly bright, but in your case it is beyond true.
We read some scriptures in class on Sunday and every word that he didn't know he wanted a definition for.
It is hard to leave them at first, but it gets better. And it's really nice that he is happy to go.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Leaving them is so hard! I get that little pinch at my heart when I see Bella walk hand and hand down the corridor with her speech therapist. But they are going onto new things (not better, cause better things are with their MOMMIES) and going to learn, how cool is that...they will one day (if not already) be smarter than their Momma's!
I'm glad he had fun!!

Missy said...

Ewan will love preschool! Coming from someone who used to drop their own kid off at your house every day, it really does get pretty easy (as much as you hate to admit it!) And holy heck Kelli, Ewan is crazy cute! Those eyes are gonna be killer for the girls. ;)

Shannon said...

That is a dang cute picture, and I asked the teacher how it went and she said WELL! He is going to love it, it is a really good school and Natalie has been learning a TON!

Sarah Young said...

Preschool has become an essential in the Young household. Maryn is a bit of a firecracker. The kid's mind works a million miles an hour and I felt, like you, she could use some more stimulation. She loves it and I love knowing that her mornings are filled with so many wonderful things. I bet your little man will love it just as much too!

Bittles said...

the title is so perfect for this post, the first kid around it is soooo hard! And then it gets so much easier. When Alex went to that preschool I would come early before pick up so i could sit in the car and watch her on the playground because I felt like it was to close to the street. Not saying you need to start doing that just saying that it is hard to let the first one leave the nest!

Amber said...

I was thinking about this just the other day. I'm not sure that I'll be able to leave Aby at school by herself when the time comes. How do I know the teachers will have her best interest at heart and that she will not be mistreated or abused (like so many news stories!!!).

I'm glad I still have 3 more years to get used to the idea.

elisa said...

So no more preschool? We had a good run tho', right? Good luck with everything!