March 11, 2008

Laying low a bit

Wow, it's been pretty boring over here lately, huh? I don't have a lot to say right now, so I'll just update you on what's been going on.

It was a pretty good weekend - Hunter and Chloe were baptized, which was awesome, and I'm so happy for them and Ashley. Amy & Jesse were in town for that, so we had this huge family dinner at a restaurant on Saturday night. I won't even get into the nightmare that preceded the dinner, but once we were seated with some food in our bellies, all was mostly well. (Except for my parents, whose order never made it to the kitchen...) On Monday, Ashley and I had an awesome excursion to IKEA where I did not resist the temptation to get Ewan some more trains and a new track to push them on. I also got one of those rugs for his and Fynn's room with the roads all over it, like a little city. Fynn picked up a piggy bank and a stuffed guinea pig or hamster or something. So we had lots of fun, Ashley being like a kid in a candy store. Or a man in a nudie bar, take your pick. Ewan had a blast running from set-up to set-up. Then we all had a nice lunch. It was a good day.

But when I got home, we had news that Bryce's grandmother had passed away. She was 97 years old, and has been in decline for a while. I'd like to do a post about her soon, because she was a really cool woman, but I want to get some more little details first. We''ll be heading to Austin on Thursday for the funeral on Friday.

*This paragraph has been removed for security reasons. ;)

I'll be doing the official privacy blog thing next week, and if I approved you (which I have everyone, except one. And they know why.) you'll get an e-mail when it happens.


Simply Sarah *K* said...

Fun week/weekend! It's only Tuesday...well...nm...its midnight, so it's Wednesday! What was I saying? Oh Ü.

Shannon said...

LOL, Brady wanted that hampster/ gerbil thing too, it is SO soft (but i did resist, lol)! And man, I should have had you pick up a train set for me(Those Thomas brand trains are expensive! We saw the wooden ones are like 20 bucks a pop!), B has picked up on the Thomas thing too, he cried when I put Ewan's present in the closet b/c he thought they were for him! I might have to go back and get another set! Glad ya'll had a good time!

Ashley said...
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Ashley said...

you can delete my other comment. I totally meant grandkids or something... I am happy about the baptism. Thanks again to you and Bryce for everything. And, Ikea was a blast. Cant't wait to go again. We did have a busy 2 days huh?

Missy said...

Isn't it great when you have fun moments like that with your family? It's the best! We are so hoping to get to Ikea soon to get Ben a train set. What is it with boys and trains? Ben is starting to get obsessed!

Sorry to hear about Bryce's grandmother but it sounds like she lived a long, full life! I'll keep an eye out for the post about her, I'm sure it will be wonderful!

Ashley said...

Bryce, I am so sorry aboout your grandmother. It sounds like she was a really neat woman and she lived such a long full life. Ya'll be careful traveling to Austin.