March 27, 2008

Bragging rights

Okay, so I try not to brag.  I like to tell about how my sons are growing and learning, and how beautiful I think they are.  I mean, everyone thinks their kids are smart and beautiful, and not everyone necessarily wants to hear another parent going on and on and on about said beauty and smarts.  But I was actually astonished by something Ewan did today, and I really wanted to share.  Technically, I'm bragging on his behalf, because it's certainly not my accomplishment.   He has been practicing sounding words out for a while now, and we'll be in the store, and he'll randomly tell me what package says, or the title of a book.  Usually pretty easy words.  And lately, he's been "reading" some of his Thomas books to me, but it's 99.9% memorization.  I've been curious how much he was actually reading, versus memorizing, but he's heard all of his books so much, it was hard to tell.  Well, we got five free books off of a cereal box offer, and up until today, he wasn't interested in having them read to him at all.  Tonight he picked one of them as part of his usual three bedtime stories.  First I was reading to Fynn, while Ewan sat quietly looking at his books.  Keep in mind, I have NEVER read this book to him, it's called Things that are Most in the World.  I looked over from my perch with Fynn, and Ewan was READING that book.  Really reading it.  He got stuck on a few of the bigger, strange words (like "teensie-weensiest) but otherwise he read that book all to himself.  I almost fell out of my chair.  We showed him long ago how to sound things out, almost on a whim, and not expecting him to catch on yet, and haven't worked with him much otherwise.  This is something he has largely taught himself.  I am so proud of him, and it literally made my day.  


Ashley said...

Go Ewan! You may want to have him tested for Gifted now, he might get pretty bored in regular kindergarten next year. It's still fun, but they are really pushing phonics and sounding words. The main goal is to get them reading little books by 1st grade.

Jenny said...

Ewan is so amazing! That's truly excellent that he's reading, but the fact that you're such a big reader is a big part of it. We're still working on phonics at our house!

Shannon said...

Yay for Ewan! I love when some kids exhibit themselves as early readers! That is good that he is working it out on his own, every day it wil get better and better and then BAM he will be a full blown reader!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Good job Ewan!

Mubeen said...

That's so awesome! I'm sure you're such a proud mommy!!

PS. I cannot believe you remember Madyson and those peek-a-boo balls! I didn't even remember till you mentioned it! I remember you well because I always used to tell my hubby that you had gorgeous eyes! I see you passed them on to your kids!

Missy said...

Yay for Ewan! Kimberly told me once that Chloe did the same thing, just one day started reading books. It's amazing how smart kids can be and Ewan is no exception! That is awesome!

elisa said...

Yay for Ewan! You too, kelli for teaching him!