March 24, 2008

The anti-happy list

I've been extremely grumpy and hormonal to the worst degree of my life over the last few weeks. And sure, I could post a happy list to try to look on the bright side of things. But I'm going to take the opposite tack and put down the things that really ticked me off today. Perhaps if I see them in print, I'll realize how ridiculous I am for being ticked, and will feel better...? Or at the very least, try to be amused at what ticks me off.

1. I broke my red cat.
2. I almost killed my fish.
3. Dang it, I broke my red cat instead of killing my fish.
4. Thank goodness my fish is okay.
5. Bryce didn't get me the much needed Coke I asked for on his way home. Grrrr...
6. But Bryce worked until nearly 9:00 tonight, so maybe he has a good excuse. Although, dang it, he worked UNTIL 9:00. And there are no signs of that letting up...
7. I feel like I'm going to barf up a bag of half-digested dog food. Mind you, I didn't eat dog food, but that's what it feels like I am going to throw up.
8. My back hurts. BAD. Carry me.
9. Tomorrow I have to get up and exert myself.
10. And right now, I have to exert myself to get into bed. Carry me.
11. Did you see? The red cat? I broke it.
12. Ewww, dog food.
13. Speaking of dogs, where the heck is mine?

But I'll add one more #14, just to look on the bright side. And trust me, this is a very bright side:
14. A certain crazy I know can never look at my blog again. You don't need the details. Suffice it to say, the figurative sun will never go down with this little reality. See, I feel better already.

P.S. My jeans don't fit, can I have yours?


Shannon said...

OK, this is funny, really funny. And I am glad you have to rouse yourself in the morning so I can say Hi! And I think, if the crazy you are talking about is the one I am thinking of, I may be added to that certain crazies blog roll..funny stuff!

P.S. Dont ask me how I learned that, I get b-o-r-e-d at work!

Missy said...

I'll bring you a coke. I get off work at 4:30. Tell Bryce he needs to get a new job!

But hey, the overtime must be nice, right??

Hope you're feeling better today. It's going to be a BEAUTIFUL DAY!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Don't forget you are a "Life Friend" on that certain crazies blogroll...aren't you SPECIAL?! If THAT doesn't brighten up your day, I don't know what should, by golly!
I have 20 oz Diet Cokes in my fridge, want those?

Kelli said...

I had to go get diapers, so I got a Coke at the store. But thanks!

Anonymous said...

Those are my Diet Cokes. I'm saving them.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

ACTUALLY...if you remember right, they are technically Missy's b/c Saturday you said you didnt want them, Anon, and John said Missy drinks i gave them to him, he just forgot them!
So...Missy, you have 2 diets in our fridge...sorry we've been trying to give them away!

Missy said...

Aw! Dang. I love me some Diet Coke. That's probably why Ben's gonna have ADD because of all the Diet Cokes I drank!! Kelli hates Diet Coke though. You're crazy Kelli!! But I hate regular Coke so I can't talk. John is so going to hear about this.... okay so he didn't leave till after midnight so I guess I can't blame him...

Haha. ;)

Anonymous said...

What do you mean? John left our house at 10:30. He didn't get home till after midnight?

Bittles said...

you are scaring me with all that talk of the crazy, who who who could it be? Kelli I am so so sorry you had such a bummer day, can the cat be fixed? I'm sorry you are feeling pukey. I hope you feel better soon!

Bittles said...

OK I'm retarded obviously I did not scroll down the 1/4 of a centimeter to see that the cat can not be fixed and is on his way to porcelain heaven. bummer I was totally admiring his beauty on Sat.

Bittles said...

duh ceramic heaven

Kelli said...

Well, the crazy isn't really a scary-type crazy, except it's scary how crazy some people are. She's a girl from the singles ward Bryce and I were in, and I am not exaggerating when I say the girl has venom instead of blood. I almost cried the day I found out she found my blog, and rightfully so, some crazy stuff ensued. She's why I had comment moderation for a while. It's a LOOOOOONG story. I'll tell you someday, because it's also a kind of funny one.

Shannon said...

It's a dang funny story, if you are talking about the part where I came in! We should tell it together and then we can talk over each other and finish each other sentances...hehehe, plus, I just love that story! Ah, remember the passive aggressive posts, good times, good times!