March 28, 2008


As if George the Cat's close and personal relationship with the fish weren't enough (he insists on drinking the water out of the bowl. Can you imagine what goes through a fish's head when a cat's huge head looms into its home and starts licking?), he has now taken to bringing large bugs into the house to play with. This is the third large green visitor I've had this week. He tortures them, carrying them in his mouth, then letting them go, batting them with his paw, and they invariably hop wildly and very far, usually towards me. This does not make me happy.


Simply Sarah *K* said...

OH my gosh! Those grasshoppers are the coolest not really COOL to me but THEY think they are totally Cool, cause they don't move an INCH when you try to touch them, or pick them up in a mound of dirt with a shovel then throw them into the trashcan...yup, they just sit there. Maybe it's not that they thing their S*** don't's that they are dumb! Why else would they hop toward a PERSON?

Sarah Young said...

We had a cat growing up who used to love to bring us little presents too. Dead squirrels or mice that she would catch and then torture and play with before eating them. Gross!

Shannon said...

AHHHHHHH! GROSS! Another reason why I am a NO PETS person. No thank you , I do not want those type of presents! :)

Kelli said...

Oh, but pets are so worth it. I'd take a hundred grasshoppers for one of George's snuggly kisses and warm purrs.

Caedyn said...

That’s so funny. It must have been a good year for grasshoppers this year – we’ve had several in our house recently too (and the dogs just aren’t as good at catching/killing them - they wander in on their own around here).
And Kelli – you seriously need to write a book. You are such an entertaining writer. You really do have a gift.