May 05, 2008

Report Card

Ewan had his four year check-up today.  Aside from a serious panic-attack on his part regarding shots, in which he screamed at the top of his lungs and it took me and two nurses to hold him down, it went really well.  The nurse was very impressed because she couldn't trick him on his hearing test, his eyes were perfect, and he's in the 95th percentile for his height.  The only drawback is that he is slightly anemic, which isn't that big of a surprise, because ever since his long bought of fevers a few months ago, his appetite has been very poor.  He barely picks at his meals and declares himself full after eating less than half.  But I had a good talk with him today about it, and he ate all of his dinner tonight and was asking for more.  The doctor also said anemia is fairly common when they are big like him.  It's like he's growing faster than he can keep up with.

Fynn is finally trying out some words.  He says mommy, daddy, cracker, diaper, dog, and cookie.  There's something else in there I'm forgetting...  Everything with him is so good right now, and he's growing so fast.  The only problem right now is that his rash has spread over his entire body.  Bryce and I had the idea that maybe he was allergic to milk, so we only gave him soy milk for a couple of days, but then we got lazy.  The two days he was off of the milk, his nose stopped running (which it has done chronically for several months), and the rash on his face wasn't nearly as bad.  But we didn't really notice how much until the third day when we gave him milk again.  Within hours, his face looked like hamburger meat and his nose was running like a faucet again.  So, we're pretty sure it's a milk allergy.  It makes since, since he's had the rash for nearly three months, starting when he was 13 months old, which was around the time I weaned him and put him on cow's milk.  Now we're experimenting again, two days off milk and his face looks much better.  I'm keeping his appointment with the dermatologist for now, though, and we'll see what happens.  If this is 100% a milk allergy, my entire manner of cooking and eating has to change.  And I'm so lazy about that stuff, it's going to be very hard.  Milk is in EVERYTHING.

As I'm sure you can tell, I just haven't been into the blogging lately.  I feel like any humor I had in it is gone, motivation is kaput, and I don't even enjoy being on the computer as much lately.  Those of you with blogs may have noticed I don't comment as much, or as often.  I'm just not on very much anymore.  I'm contemplating deleting this blog, but I am not sure.  I won't do it before I've printed everything out.  I'll keep you posted, if you are interested.   


Shannon said...

OK, so hopefully it is just a milk allergy! But yeah, it would suck to have to change all of diets and stuff, but really you would only have to change Fynns. And DO NOT, I repeat Do NOT delete this blog! Just take a hiatus, but you will get it back, maybe. we love ya! and your blog :)

Missy said...

Yeah you totally should NOT delete your blog! I mean, even if you are seriously thinking about it, since yours is private all you have to do is remove all your readers, keep yourself as an admin and it'll just be out there in cyberspace waiting in case you want to join the blogging world again.

I think a lot of us are going through a "maybe there are more important things to do than blog all the time" phase but ultimately I think at least updating our blogs with stories and pictures is a great way to document our lives because I sure don't do it in journals!

Anyway. That's just my two cents. :) Talk to Betsy and Suzanne about the milk allergy issues since both of them have kids with it. Hopefully you'll figure out how to keep his cute little face rash free!

Sorry for the long comment. I just really don't want to see your blog go away!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Ditto what Missy said Ü.