July 15, 2008

Quest for the Holy Grail

Ugh, it's late, and I want to be asleep.  But I remembered I needed to check Ashley's blog for Chloe's birthday pictures, so I popped up really quickly.  While I was looking, I was reminded of something that happened at the party that irritated me.  One of the people asked the sex of my baby, and when I told her, she said, completely dismayed, "OH YOUR POOR THING!"  And she didn't mean anything by it, and it's not like it's a lone incident.  It's just the cherry on top of lots of comments I've gotten, both from strangers and from acquaintances, who I know mean well, and it's not really offensive as much as "IHHH!"  (Ashley knows exactly how that should be pronounced.)

Anyway, it boils down to this:  when did giving birth to a girl become the Holy Grail of pregnancy?  I admit I wanted a girl, but it was more for naming purposes than anything.  I have the hardest time naming my boys, and I have the perfect girl's name all ready to go.  But I'm thrilled we're having another boy!  It's gonna be so fun (hard, but fun).  I always knew I would have tons of boys.  But people will ask me, "Do you know what it is?"  And when I tell them it's a boy, they always look so deflated and disappointed.  "Oh, well you'll get your girl next time."  Um, what?  This is a person who is coming to be a part of our family, and he belongs here!  That's totally awesome and exciting and just indescribable!  Boys are so cool.  One of my favorite sounds in the world is a little boy imitating a race car, or roaring like a tiger.  I love their cowlicks and skinny legs.  I love their dirt grimy hands when they cover mine.  And I love when Ewan, in perfect imitation of me and every member of the Anderson family, grabs my arm or hand, squeezes as hard as he can while gritting his teeth and says, "Squeeze you 'til you pop!"  They are just awesome, and in case there was ever a question, once I found out it was a boy for sure, it was like, "Oh, of course, I knew you were coming.  We've saved a place for you."  

Even if I have to call him "No-name Taylor."


Ashley said...

Ok, first of all, who said it? Boys are awesome, and sooooooooooo much easier than girls. Girls are fun and sweet, there's pedicures, bows, fairy garb, dresses, etc. But, there's also drama. Lots of drama. EVERY woman I have ever met who has boys and girls says girls are harder. Sure, we smell better. But, let's face it most girls are brats. Plus, Heavenly Father knows what he's doing. And, you are obviously meant to have those beautiful boys for a reason. Look at it this way: 3 missionaries, 3 less expensive weddings, no bras, no periods, no one stealing your mascara, etc. I am just glad and majorly excited to watch another Taylor baby be born. Plus, I get dibs on holding him first!! Can't wait!!!!

Borton Family said...

I agree with you. When people look at me with my boys and say " the next one will be girl" or " you will get your girl". I want to hit them. First IF I could have more kids, I dont know that I would. Parker is not easiest child. I also would not change my boys for anything. I am happy with what I have. That is not to say that I am not going to spoil my new neice. I am glad that I dont have deal with the drama that follows girls. Thanks but no thanks.

Missy said...

The first half of your post made me say "What??" And the second half or your post made me go "Awww." I don't understand people sometimes! I was thinking the same thing as Ashley, that you're going to have 3 missionaries! How amazing is that? And you'll have at least 3 amazing daughter-in-laws and probably be thankful you weren't their mother! It's not easy to raise boys so I think it's no coincidence that some families have lots of them and they all turn out to be such great men.

And maybe someday you will have a girl. But it won't be the highlight of your role as a parent I am pretty certain!

Shannon said...

That is weird that people say that!! What, like you would just give this one up b/c it isn't a girl?? I mean of course it was fun it going to be a girl this time? But never would there be dissapointment over another boy! People are crazy, for reals! Keith LOVED having a bunch of brothers and now they are all the best of friends!

Anonymous said...

You sure do have beautiful little bboys I think people like an exccuse to buy dresses, ribbons frills,etc. There is nothin cuter than a barefoot, snaggle toothed little ornery boy. My Mom had 4 brothers and she didnt want boys because I guess they were mean to the sisters but they also protected them. Her favorite brother Fletcher died at age 12 and she missed him terribly. I ddont think people mean to be insensitive. Once when I was pregnant this guy in our neighborhood turned to his wife and said, see, rhat happens everytime I dont work in the summertime. I thought that was pretty stupid to say.

Anonymous said...
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Simply Sarah *K* said...

OOoo...I was probably one of the ones with the "Oh maybe next time" comment but you know that it wasn't meant in that context Ü. We love the children we are given!! You are a wonderful mother and Heavenly Father wants you to keep having kids!! He knows you'll keep trying so you can use your name!
I always felt that way with my mom. She had girl after girl...and then FINALLY her boy! Heavenly Father knew what a good mom she was, so he kept getting her to try for that boy! LOL.
And oh goodness ya'll...girls are NOT THAT BAD! Sheesh. Yes, we gots us some drama...but I'll take all that drama in exchange for all the totally wonderful girl moments!

Kelli said...

No, SArah, it wasn't you or anyone else who reads this! I promise. And I don't think girls are bad - I thought about that when reading all these comments like, "Let's not do the same thing to those with girls!"

Caedyn said...

I think a lot of people have the “forgot to think before I opened my mouth disease” (I know I’ve suffered from it a time or two).

Ashley said...

Well, I am by no means an expert. But, just wait. Girls are called sugar and spice for a reason... Or maybe I got the biggest drama queen of them all? Let's face it, regardless of the sex of your children, being a mom is hard work.

Jenny said...

My grandmother said with both of my boys, "Oh, well maybe you'll have a girl next time." It stung.

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

I think anytime that you have all of one sex or another people say stuff like that. Because I have two boys people always ask if I want to try again so I can have my girl. (Unfortunately, the more people say that to me the ruder my responses get. I'll have to work on that.)
And I hate it when I talk to women who are so set on having either a boy or a girl that they are disappointed when it's not what they wanted. How horrible to be disappointed in your baby?! It's much better just to be thankful and happy with whatever you are given.

Shannon said...

LOL, I love reading all these comments, and being one of the few that have both, I will say they both have their ups and downs, and that being a mom IS hard, but kids (no matter what the sex) are so fricken worth it! And just a side note, i am SO fricken excited for another baby to maybe I will stop wanting one of my own!

Erica said...

It doesn't matter what the subject, when certain people see a pregnant person they get all stupid and start saying things that shouldn't ever be said. When I was pregnant with Megan, I had a lady ask if it was a boy or girl. I told her it was a girl, and she proceeded spew from the mouth her deepest sympathy for Jeremy that I didn't give him a boy. What a retard!

I read an article written in the paper last month by a lady repeating everything she had heard and experienced over the past week while walking around big, fat, and pregnant with her first kid. People would ask her if she was uncomfortable (duh), would just reach out and rub her belly, and would tell extreme/tragic birth stories. Her reason for writing the article was to tell people to shut up when encountering a pregnant woman. Obviously this person to whom you are referring did not get the article. Would you like me to find it and give you a copy to hand out??? :)

Erica said...

Oh and by the way, when I found out I was having a girl, I cried and cried and cried. What the heck would I, the tomboyish, non-girly girl, do with a girl??? I didn't know how to braid, make a ponytail on anyone's head but my own, had never played with dolls or Barbies, detested the color pink, etc etc etc. I completely worried myself a few wrinkles, but we're doing okay so far. I've even made bows for her hair, and know how to be the "queen" when she is playing pretend. If I were to ever have a boy, I'd go through the same "What would I do?" emotions now that I have this down (for now).

Amber said...

First off, I agree - people are rude and thoughtless when it comes to other people's pregnancy.

Second, I agree - boys are the bomb. I love my little girl but I can't just get up and go with her. Boys are fun, easy and straight forward. Thanks to everyone having boys, I'm glad there will be righteous men out there, taught by their mothers who love them.