July 07, 2008

Bargains for baby

I always cheat myself out of the big "purchasing" moments in my life.  I refused to go to prom.  I didn't buy a real wedding dress when we got married, but had someone make one that I really didn't like.  Then I didn't buy any kind of a nursery set for either of my two boys when they were born.  With Ewan we were strapped for money, and I just bought stuff here and there, super-cheap, not-good quality stuff.  Then with Fynn, I think since he was the second, the idea of a fabulous nursery theme wasn't on my radar.  But I decided that with this baby, I really did want him to have a nice, matching crib set, especially since he'll be in our room until we move someday.  We won't even put him in the crib until he's four or five months old, but Target had some of its cutest stuff on 50% off clearance, so I just *had* to get it.  Hopefully it will be around for a little longer so I can keep adding pieces.  You can see the things I did buy here and here on, although it's not on clearance on the website for some reason.  It's probably only exciting for me, and the baby couldn't care less, but I'm just excited I finally was able to indulge in the moment and have a matching set for him.  


Jenny said...

Honestly, I feel the same way about our next baby...I don't think our old junk will hold out anyway. I think the stuff you're getting is extremely cute! You've inspired me to get new stuff for our next baby.

(by the by, I'm not pregnant in case you were wondering...just looking to the future)

Shannon said...

Yay! I love the new stuff! And I totally agree with you, we got rid of ALL of our stuff beacuse I want the next one (whenever it may be) to have a matching set, a "real" nursery. I really like that sutff you got, SO cute!

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

That Target set is so cute! And Hurray! for getting something nice for the new baby. We were blessed and got a lot of hand me downs when the boys were born (that second crib, car seat, etc.) so none of their stuff matched, and I missed getting to really decorate a nursery, too. I'm glad your seizing the moment and taking the opportunity to do it this time!

Missy said...

I love that set. I saw it on clearance at Target too and was wishing for a reason to buy it! I love love love the girl set that Dwell makes. I'm sure they're long gone! Are you guys going to have to buy another crib?

Kelli said...

No, I think we are going to keep the baby in a bassinet until 4 or 5 months, then get bunk beds and move Fynn to the bottom bunk and use his crib for the baby. At least that's the plan now.

Shellie said...

I love that set! It's so cute. Got to love a bargain. I can't wait until Melissa finally has her own room so that I can actually do some kind of decorating. By then she might actually need her crib.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Cute stuff! I think with the 3rd he definitely deserves new stuff!