July 07, 2008

Mean mommy

Yesterday, I fixed a nice dinner, one that was full of things Ewan normally loves to eat.  Pork chops, corn on the cob, macaroni and cheese.  But Ewan has been in this odd habit lately of suddenly saying he "hates" his favorite foods, and refusing to eat.  Sometimes he'll have eaten at least 3/4 of a meal, then suddenly put his fork down and say, "This is gross!"  So last night at dinner, he pulled this little trick, and as he often claims to be hungry right before bed to get a piece of buttered toast, we told him there was no way he was getting anything.  We were also about to go visit my parents, so we told him no cookies or snacks there at all.  

Surprisingly, he didn't beg for any snacks there, even when it was discovered they had Oreos.  But he suddenly got it into his head that they were going to fix him a "nice dinner."  We kept telling him he couldn't eat anything there, but he could have some of our nice dinner when we got home.  He kept begging and pleading, "PLEASE!!  I want to eat a nice dinner HERE!!!"  I repeated my refusal several more times, and he finally stopped asking.  Toward the end of our visit, Fynn was getting quite hyper and destructive, Ewan was getting hyper, and at one moment at the end of my rope, I said, "Okay, we're leaving, you two are..."  I was planning on saying "driving me crazy" or something like that, when Ewan turned to me.  

"Starving?" he suggested.


Sarah Young said...

That's hilarious!

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

Too funny! And I'm so impressed that you were able to keep everyone else from giving in to his demands for food when he didn't eat dinner. I would have probably just stayed home.