July 21, 2008


1.  I can't sleep at night due to pregnancy insomnia, an overly affectionate cat, and vigorous coughing up of my lungs.  Very tired.

2.  The two dogs I had previously taken to Mary Ann's had to come back due to serious over-crowding at her house.  I'm making them stay in the backyard.  But they keep escaping.  

3.  So very tired.

4.  Fynn threw up on me this morning.  All down inside my shirt. Yum.

5.  No energy to clean.  Much cleaning to be done. 

6.  A vase full of colored rocks fell off of the fridge and all over the floor.  Great fun.

7.  Ewan's fish disappeared.  Into thin air.  Cat not responsible.  Weird.

8.  Some animal pooped on Ewan's bed last night.  Complete mystery as to which creature or when.  Due to this and the fish incident, beginning to think a raccoon lives in there. Only partly joking.

9.  Sleepy.

10.  I'd pay someone $1,000,000 to bring me a Coke.  Not that I have a million dollars.  But still.

To make up for my horrible pessimism and negativity, I'll publish a list of good things later.  Much later.  After sleep.  


Ashley said...

When it rains it pours??? Let's repeat our favorite phrase once again..... ahhh the joys of motherhood!! Barf, and poo, and missing fish oh my! Hope the chaos gets better soon, tiredness won't go away for at least 18 years. If I wasn't stressed myself I would bring you a Coke. This packing crap is for the birds!!!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

Sista, that sucks!
After WM today I was going to stop by and pick that chair up (text you first to make sure your not getting your well-deserved sleep)...I'll bring you a coke Ü and take a rain check for that million dollars.
And I hope you find your fish! That's actually a bit hilarious...where can a fish go? It grew legs and said "I'm tired of this shiznit." and walked off? Like you put it to work, make it mop the floors?! Freakin' lazy fish.

Cris, Jon, Austin and Ethan said...

Man Kelli, I knew I should have looked at your blog last night! I really need $1,000,000! dang! it too late?