July 21, 2008

Good things

To make up for my earlier rant, and to put myself in a better mood after Fynn threw up again all over his crib and bedding, and Ewan had an accident on the floor, I'll now post some things that are good right now and that I am grateful for.

1. John showing up to pick Ben up a little early, bearing an ice-cold 20 oz. Coke. And he didn't even take me up on my offer of $1,000,000.

2. My new table and chairs, which I plan on posting about soon. Too long I endured a peeling table from Goodwill. No more. Ikea to the rescue. My kitchen looks so nice.

3. The dogs are staying in the yard. For now.

4. The littlest baby is moving more and more every day and making his presence known.

5. We are getting a brand-new, FREE double stroller from some incentive program at Bryce's work. YAY!

6. Fynn is napping. Hopefully to wake up puke-free this time.

7. No one else is sick (crossing fingers).

8. I think I figured out what happened to the fish. Pretty sure it swam way up into the shell in the bowl and got stuck. Which, you know, is sad, but at least I know. Whether it was suicide or not, I can't be sure.

9. On my table are several good fashion magazines just waiting for me to peruse.

10. Bryce promises to not be late from work.

11. I dreamt I had adopted another rabbit. Woke up to find it wasn't true. Always a bonus.

*** Updated to add one more great thing - Just now, I flipped on the TV to see if Oprah had anything good on, and Ewan, sitting on the couch coloring next to me, randomly said, "Yeah, Oprah's a fake." He swears he never heard anyone else say it, that he made it up himself.

Boring, I know, but that's all I had for now, without getting totally sappy. Which I don't like to do. So there you go.


Ashley said...

1. Cold Cokes rule... we only have Dr Pepper
2. I have gagged thinking about your fish all day...
3. I wanna see a picture of your new table ASAP and darnit I really wanted to be the one to surprise you with a new table. But, my appendix and Chan's leg had to break...
4. Yay for new strollers and crispy new magazines!
5. Ewan is so funny! And right!
6.I hope Fynn feels better soon and pray no one else gets it, especially Bryce, because you are gonna be miserable. No offense Bryce, but it's true. Men are wusses when it comes to being sick.

Missy said...

Oh the new table is amazing. I'm not sure whether I like the table, the chairs or the rug (it's such a nice rug) better!

Your good list is definitely better than the bad list. Hope Fynn is feeling better today and you can all get some rest!

Faintastic! said...

Oprah's a fake. Awesome.

Jenny said...

Okay I hope you keep posting these Grievances/Positivisms because I laughed my butt off reading them. Especially about your suicidal fish.

Scuba Steve said...

if you ever need a 20oz and its before I come get Ben just let me know. I like doing things that make lists like this.