June 29, 2008


Shannon tagged me, and it's all about me and Bryce. Try not to fall asleep, now.

Whats his name? Bryce Patrick
How long have you been together? Depends on how you define "together," but I say eight years, married for five.
How long did you date? Three months before he left on his mission, five months after. Wrote letters in-between
How old is he? 29
Who eats more? Me
Who said I love you first? Don't remember, but pretty much at the same time.
Who is taller? Bryce
Who sings better? Me
Who is smarter? Depends on the kind of "smart." I'm smarter with words and reading, he's better with math and organizational things
Who does the laundry? Me
Who pays the bills? Bryce
Who sleeps on the right side? Bryce (does anyone really care?)
Who mows the lawn? Bryce, but I would
Who cooks dinner? Me, when I feel like it.
Who drives? mostly Bryce
Who is more stubborn? I don't know...
Who kissed who first? Kissed each other
Who proposed? Bryce
Who has more friends? He has more long-term, old friends, I have more current, new friends.
Who is more sensitive? Neither
Who has more siblings? Me, 8, Bryce 2
Who wears the pants? Mostly me, but for the really important stuff, like money and budget, he has to or we'd be broke

If so desired, I tag Ashley, Missy, Erica, and Sarah Young.


Mubeen said...

Hope you don't mind, I copied this post! No one tagged me, but I felt like doing it since it's Caleb's bday tomorrow! We also had some of the same answers! I'm not usually a "copy catter" but wanted to admit I am this time! lol

Missy said...

Am I exempt if I've already done this one? He he.