June 09, 2008

Just a little survey-thingy

A little while back, Sarah from Georgia, posted this little survey thing and I decided to steal it. I'm really trying to find something to post about every day, so this is part of that effort. Feel free to steal, too.

What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was working as a reservations agent at Alamo-Rent-a-Car in Salt Lake, from which I would be fired in one month. And I was a very sad person ten years ago.

5 things on my to do list...

1. Clean bathroom
2. Vacuum
3. Plan to cut out half of my sugar
4. Move my room around
5. Update pictures on my blog

5 Snacks...

1. Cheezits & Coke
2. Crackers & cheese with grape juice
3. Chocolate chip cookies with COLD milk
4. Gummy bears
5. Dry Cookie Crisp

If I were suddenly a millionaire...

First a major cross-country vacation: New York City where I'd also buy an entirely new wardrobe, Salt Lake to visit family, a beach in Florida, L.A., etc. Then we'd move somewhere cooler, perhaps Oregon, right on the coast, buy a cute cottage-style home with a porch swing, huge garden, many windows and trees and buy new (fuel-efficient) cars. Hire a nutritionist and personal trainer to get me skinny.

3 bad habits...

1. Cussing
2. Consuming WAY TOO MUCH sugar
3. Gossiping

5 places I have lived...

1. Grand Prairie, TX
2. Salt Lake City, UT
3. Dallas, TX
4. Irving, TX
5. Arlington, TX

5 jobs I have had...
(only five? No fair...)
1. Telemarketer for Olan Mills
2. Multiple positions as Assistant teacher at SEVERAL daycares
3. Waitress (for five days)
4. Medical receptionist
5. Apartment Leasing Agent
and many, many more...

5 things people don't know about me...

1. I ate an entire bottle of Rolaids when I was a little girl.
2. Never went to the dentist until I was 24.
3. Once flashed my panties to an entire auditorium full of people during a play, NOT on purpose.
4. I have a particular order for how I bathe, which is different if I'm showering from when I'm in the bath. And there are very particular reasons for this order.
5. I was once asked to leave the Joseph Smith Memorial Building because my boyfriend was giving me a (very innocent) backrub.


Caedyn said...

Hey Kelli –

You’d think I’d have this figured out with all of my blog stalking I do here at work . . . But – please tell me how you’re related to the Reinbolds? I recognized a few pictures - - - I was in the same grade as Jeff (and I’m curious what he’s up to now – I haven’t talk to or seen him since graduation).
How are you and that new little baby doing? When do we get to find out girl/boy?

Missy said...

I stole it!

And your 5 things were really good. I spent about 20 minutes trying to figure out mine!

Kelli said...

I'm not related to the Reinbolds, but I grew up with Erica, and we were always in the same ward. Baby is doing good!

Shannon said...

Fun list! And I will be stealing it b/c I have been in a blogging slump! This will be fun to do!