June 20, 2008

Free money and stuff that comes with it

Bryce and I will be signing a gas lease on our house early next month.  If all goes the way it is supposed to, we'll be coming into a sizable (for us) chunk of money.  The majority of it (like, almost all) is going to pay off some bills and buy some baby gear, but we are reserving one lovely little snippet for us to get Wii Fitness.  Some of Bryce's old pants don't button anymore, and I'm about to have some SERIOUS baby weight to work off, so we're very excited about it.  I've never been a work out at the gym girl, or a person who works out at all, really.  So my hope is that with our competitive spirits and the whole "game" aspect to it, it will make the working out fun and do some good for us.  I know that may not be exciting, but I have absolutely NOTHING else to post about.


Shannon said...

Ooo! That sounds fun! I have seen signs about the gas lease but seeing as we don't have a house, what does it mean?? And very fun about the wii fitness, it has yoga and all that cool stuff!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

It IS exciting, though....those Wii fitnesses look like a TON of fun!!
And I wish we could freakin' hurry up and sign a gas lease, it would be nice to actually have some extra money around!
A gas lease, Miss Shannon, is them drilling a little ways from the neighborhood and sucking the natural gas from under your property....they then pay you a "lease" for being able to take the gas. I THINK :).
Our gas lease people are trying to get the whole of Grand Prairie to sign up it seems like....they keep having meetings and nothing ever happens! LOL.

Erica said...

Definitely not to burst your bubble, but before you sign, check out where that gas drill will be. I've heard they tell people it isn't loud, but that is a complete lie. Thanks to someone, who knows who, I have a nice, LOUD, constant drill behind my house - the minimum distance possible. The workers seem to do the most at night, while I'm trying to sleep. And do I even get a dime? HA! They did all the negotiations and paperwork before we owned the house.

Ashley said...

Hold out for as much money as possible!!! We got $600 4 years ago. Now they are giving over $20,000 per acre. Which means if we had held out, we could get about $25k now. And yes, they are sooo loud.

Ashley said...
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Anonymous said...

Well are neighborhood actually held out for awhile and they are paying $25K per acre. Obviously our neighborhood doesn't really have anyone that has an acre but I think we are getting a great deal.

Hopefully we aren't going to have the drilling too close but we are used to noise at all times of night so it would not be anything that crazy.

Ashley said...

I know it's sad. I want 25k.... oh well. The loudness is like nothing you have heard before though. We had one that was 3 miles away and it sounded like it someone had a bulldozer in my yard. Where do they even put wells in residential neighborhoods?

Shannon said...

OOO! That is exciting, sounds like you will be getting a good chunk o' change! Congrats!

Jenny said...

Ooo, Wii Fitness looks super fun. You are such a lucky duck (did I just say lucky duck?) for getting a piece of that gas lease action! My dad got, like, $4700. Happy spending!!

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

The drilling site at UTA, which is right by my house, has been up and going for awhile and I don't think I've noticed at all. Probably because I'm right by Cooper which is loud all the time so I'm already used to the noise. So if you're already used to lots of urban noise you might not notice either.
Let me know how you like the Wii fitness. I think the boys will be getting a Wii for Christmas and I might just have to get that add-on for me.

Anonymous said...

The negotiations for our neighborhood are nowhere near $25k yet. I don't think there is any competition between the gas companies out by us yet. That's what makes the offers jump up. Did you guys have to subordinate your mortgage? Our group keeps telling us that you have to pay your mortgage company a certain amount so that the lease payments go to you and not straight to your mortgage. I wouldn't really mind the royalty payments going towards our mortgage, but not the initial bonus payment. We've got plans for that sucker. We've got plans for just about every dollar we might possibly make in our lifetime...probably a lot more than we'll actually make.

Missy said...

There's a gas well right across the street from my mom's house. And another one used to be practically in her back yard. They're really not that bad as far as noise goes, but the thing that scares me is the fact that my mom lives on a busy street and there are HUGE trucks going in and out all the time. But she lives in the country and if you're in the city, you're probably not likely to live right on the truck route anyway! Be lucky you're getting in the game late, the demand is high right now.

And Shannon, even though we own our condo, we don't own the land, the HOA does. So they retain the mineral rights as would your apartment complex.

James, my mom talked to a lawyer before signing. I've never heard anything about having to give part of it up to your mortgage company, that's just ludicrous. My mom gets every penny of what the pull out of her acre, I'm pretty sure anyway!

Ashley said...

Honestly, I think the wells that are in cities or on busy streets aren't as noticeable. But, out here in the country noises carry big time. The wells are very loud and everyone can here them all night from one end of the neighborhood to the other. I live at the end of the neighborhood near the areas where 3 wells have gone up, so it's especially bad. I guess it's the open space or something. Seriously, when the coyotes and/or cattle that are nearby start up at night it freaks the kids out. Because they sound like they are in our yard and they are a few miles away. Add to that the fact that you can't see 2 feet in front of your face out here and it's kinda eery.