October 24, 2007

Ugh and Something Really Friggin' Cool, featuring lots of italics

I just haven't been "bloggy" since I deleted everything. I know I was able to get it back (Thanks again, Shannon), but it just hasn't felt the same. I was seriously upset when it happened. Bryce said when I first called to tell him about it, by my tone he thought something had happened to one of the boys. Seriously, and this isn't even me being melodramatic (as I am wont), but it was traumatic for me. (I mean, look at me, I'm only writing about it, and I've used italics two times. And now three times. Four. I think you get the picture, and I could go on forever, so I'll stop now. But not the italics. I need them when this subject comes up.) Nothing has felt this bad for me since last fall when I was six months pregnant and some lousy bastard stole my purse from my car at the park while I was less than fifty feet away, and I watched the whole thing, and my sonogram pictures of Fynn were in that purse, the ones that showed his perfect facial features and you could tell he looked like Ewan, and I mean, I never leave my purse in my car, EVER. I only did because I was less than fifty feet away. And I'm sorry I used that word, but what other words besides a**hole aptly describes a man who would steal a purse from an obviously pregnant woman while she pushed her two year old son on the swing? At ten in the morning? I rest my case, so forgive the word.

So anyway, I'm sorry if it's been kinda boring lately. It doesn't feel complete, like something is missing, even though my reposted stuff is only a link away. Hopefully I'll get back into the groove very soon, and feel happier about my little blog that could.

But there is something really cool that happened. A couple of months ago, I read a book and kind of reviewed it on here. You can read that review by clicking here. So a couple of days ago, I got an e-mail that I had a new comment. It was from someone named Kate, and you can actually read it if you go under comments on my "Some Confusion" post, just from a few days ago. And this comment, the one that caused me to furrow my brow, and wonder, "Who the hell is Kate?" Yeah, that one..., and read this slowly, it was from the author of that book. I am not even kidding. She lives in England, the book takes place in England, and when I looked at my sitemeter (tracks visitors) a visitor from England visited at the very time the comments were left. I mean, WOW. I know it's not like she found my site because I'm so fabulous, she just googled her book or something and found it, but OH MY GOSH. Who ever thinks something like that is going to happen? It just made my whole day. And that is a total understatement. There are no words for what it did to me. This is totally lame, but it was just really friggin' cool.


Anonymous said...


Kelli said...

Hi, Bryce

Mariah said...


Missy said...

Well I think that's cool! She probably has a google alert set up and found you. I love google alerts!

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

That's very cool about the author finding you!

Could you tell me how to do the links in the words on your blog (I am new to this. Not to mention a little slow...)

Kelli said...

Yeah, when you are typing your message, you highlight the words you want to be a link. Then on your menu at the top (where the bold and italics stuff is) look for an icon that looks kind of like an earth with a chain on it. Click on that, then type in the URL of the site you want the highlighted words to lead to. Hit OK, and that should do it. Make sense?

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

That did make sense, thanks!