Ewan's crab costume was a big hit. We had a blast tonight in Sarah's neighborhood with her family and Shannon's family. Aside from one idiot dressed in a scary mask chasing the kids making scary noises (not caring that they were only three and under, and that two of them were literally trembling in fright), the kids had a blast. One of the cutest things of the night was Ewan and Natalie holding hands toward the end. I keep marveling at the discrepancy of the amount of candy I'd get when I was a kid to what they get now. When I was a kid, we'd come home with a pillowcase FULL to the brim. Tonight Ewan didn't even score a fourth of a plastic grocery sack. Maybe it's better that way, but still. I just recently ran out of candy from last holiday season. I use little bits of it throughout the year to bribe Ewan into eating his vegetables. "One Hershey kiss if you eat all your carrots." Bryce tested out his new camera, and here are just some of the awesome shots we got. I may post more once everyone else e-mails their shots out. And because my new layout makes pictures kind of transparent, you'll get a better effect if you click on them to see them in all their glory. And I'm sorry there's so many. I couldn't help myself.
October 31, 2007
Smell My Feet...
Posted by Kelli at 9:39 PM 14 comments
Labels: Bryce, Ewan, Excursions, Friends, Fynn, Holidays, Pictures
I picked this fairy layout because it just represents me, I think. But Bryce informed me that on some other computers, the fairy is right behind the text, making it kind of hard to see. On our computer, the fairy is off to the side, not behind the text. So, I might be changing it again, although I really wanted to keep the fairy. How does it look on your computer? Can you see okay? Let me know by leaving a comment, if you please. If it's too hard to see for some of you, I'll find something better, and then I'll keep it, I swear!
Posted by Kelli at 3:21 PM 10 comments
Labels: Blog
Will NOT Be Seeing this Movie
I got this from my friend Elisa's blog. Click here for some disturbing info about The Golden Compass.
Posted by Kelli at 9:41 AM 4 comments
October 30, 2007
Okay, I am a pretty selfish, self-centered person. Please pretend that is surprising to you so we can move on. As I've mentioned before, I think Bryce takes really good pictures. I think there is some potential there for him to do something with, and perhaps turn a fun hobby into something more. I even started a little blog that has my favorite pictures he's taken. (Click here to see them.) We just have a dinky digital camera, which is fine, but I've seen what he can do with a nice one. He used his Uncle David's (a.k.a. professional photographer) camera once and the results were pretty good. So I wrote to David secretly about a month ago, just asking his recommendation on the best price I could get for a really good camera. I was thinking after I saved some money, I could get it for Christmas or Bryce's birthday in May. He wrote me back to tell me about a Pentax digital with a 28-300mm lens. This is a really good camera (I mean, so I'm told, what do I know about cameras?), and David got a really awesome price on it. So through a lot of back and forth between David, Mary Ann and I, and details about money that I don't really know all about, it's now here. (If you are reading, thank you soooo much, David and Mary Ann!) Bryce was so surprised, because it was a completely random gesture on my part. I don't do random acts of kindness often, in fact maybe never, but it felt pretty good. And hopefully it will give him something to focus on, enjoy, and get even better.
Posted by Kelli at 10:01 PM 2 comments
Click here for one of the most heartbreaking, miraculous, coolest stories ever. At least I think so. But maybe I'm easily impressed.
Posted by Kelli at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: News
...Comment moderation is being enabled again. Your comments will show up after I approve them. I don't like anonymous comments, even if you are someone I know and trying to be funny. So, if it shows up anonymous, I won't approve it. Capiche?
*Update* So, the first anonymous comment was my sister Amy. The second one... Bryce swears it wasn't him, and I believe him. I have my suspicions about who it was. The third one that wasn't accepted, again, I have my suspicions.
Posted by Kelli at 1:41 PM 10 comments
Labels: Blog
October 29, 2007
Setting the Scene...
After a long day of menial and tough housework, Kelli lays back in her vanilla lavender bubbles and sighs contentedly. An inspiring book is open in her hands, one that fills her with visions of "I can do anything!" She soars with the book, reveling in her hot bath and solitude. The kids are in bed, her husband is otherwise occupied. She is one with herself, and begins to feel happily drowsy.
She sees a dark shape sailing across her limited horizon.
A rabbit lands on her stomach.
She repeats her mantra.
Posted by Kelli at 9:47 PM 13 comments
We must be doing something right...
Bryce told me that a few nights ago during Ewan's bath, Ewan wanted to hold the shampoo bottle, but it was heavy and kept dropping in the water. Ewan asked him why he couldn't hold onto it, and Bryce told him it was because his hands are small. He said that Ewan then looked at him kind of sadly, as if Bryce had suggested something was wrong, and said, "But I like my hands just the way they are."
Today, Ewan was particularly lovey dovey with me and kept asking me to hold him. I picked him up and he looked around him as if he was on the pinnacle of the world and asked, "How tall are you?" I said, "Five feet, four inches. Is it fun to be up here looking around?" He said, "Yes." I then asked him if he was excited to grow up to be big and tall like Daddy. He said, "No, I just want to stay the way I am." Just typing about this has me all choked up, and I know he doesn't really understand the implications behind those statements, but, OH MY GOSH, if I could just ensure he'll always feel that way. If I could just make sure he won't ever want to be something other than what he is, and just to be the best him he can be, and to be so happy to be HIM...
Then I will be able to breathe easy and know he will be more than all right.
Dearest Fynn, A Sequel, A Post that Introduces the Label "Guilt"
Dearest Fynn, Cutest Boy Ever,
I am sorry I tried to make you put yourself back to sleep by letting you cry for ten minutes. I didn't know you'd cut your gums where your new tooth is growing in and that you were bleeding. Mommy feels about as big as a cockroach. I love you madly.
Mommy, Your Loyal Servant
Posted by Kelli at 12:27 PM 0 comments
Letters in Twos
Dearest Fynn of Mine,
Please take a nap longer than 25 minutes. We'll all be happier.
Dearest Ewan of My Heart,
Please stop yelling while Fynn is sleeping. Then he can take a nap longer than 25 minutes and we'll all be happier. And you and I can play badminton.
October 28, 2007
I can keep a rabbit as a pet.
It was not a mistake.
He scratches me because he loves me.
He is soft and pleasant.
I can keep a rabbit as a pet.
It was not a mistake.
I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggonit, rabbits like me.
Posted by Kelli at 11:21 PM 4 comments
Our Den of Slack
We've been pretty under the weather here in my little abode. Ewan started it earlier in the week with a mild fever and "hurting in the top of my mouth." Of course, as soon as he gets better, Bryce and I are up all one night with the scratchy throat, beginning coughs and exploding head feeling. Then Fynn had a fever last night that climbed to 102.5. I was up from 1:00 am until 3:30 am with him. He was quite chipper and ready to play for someone so feverish. But then he'd drop his head on my shoulder and just be completely still for twenty minutes before he started "bla bla" and "ga-goo" and then he'd pop back up ready for some more entertainment. Then this morning, Bryce threw up. In my nice bathroom trashcan. (I know, really, who cares, a trashcan? But it's pretty and brushed silver and was a wedding present. But as I think of it, does anyone really want a trashcan as a wedding present? Yet, I registered for it...and doesn't everyone? Really kind of odd when you think about it.) And I don't clean up barf that didn't come out of my children, so I said to him, "I'm sorry, I just can't do it. As soon as you feel better, please do what you can." I was amused to see him come through the living room with the entire trashcan in his hands, and toss it into our big trashcan in the garage. I was somehow O.K. with that. We're pretty sure it was food poisoning. So I was on full duty today, although I was allowed to sleep in with Fynn until 9:00, being before the barfing incident and all. Nevertheless, I'm pooped. The fact that it is 10:37 and I'm heading right to bed is extraordinary. Hopefully we'll all get some rest so I can go buy a new trashcan tomorrow. But, as I am typing this, I hear my bittiest one crying out. I find myself humming the chorus to "Come, Come Ye Saints" in an attempt to assure myself that "all is well." Good night, all. You know, all 12 of you.
In Memoriam
George the cat must have heard me say once how much I love chickadees. (They are such a cute little bird, and I wish I could carry one in my pocket always.) I think that George, being a cat, doesn't know that just because a chickadee is my favorite bird, doesn't mean I want him to capture and kill one for me. And that leaving the wee little guy without any discernible injuries (nay, just laying like a sleeping little friend), doesn't mean he's going to get a pat on the head. Although I did try to be gracious by thanking him. I know he meant well.
Posted by Kelli at 8:12 PM 3 comments
Labels: Animals
October 26, 2007
Peddling My Wares
I haven't had much time for new posts. As mentioned on Sarah's blog, I've been heavily engrossed in a huge yard sale at my house. Thanks to Mary Ann, Sarah and Shannon for helping so much. I would be a shell of myself if I hadn't had your help today! My house is dirtier and messier than it's ever been, so I'm off to clean the kitchen now. That is, if I can stand up long enough to manage it. But I assured Bryce I would be a much saner person tomorrow if at least that part was done. He, of course, has gone off to bed, and I have no kitchen helper. C'est la vie.
On another yard sale note, all of the kids were so well-behaved. At one point we had my two kids, Shannon's two kids and Sarah's two kids all running around. They are all such good, beautiful, well-behaved little munchkins. Ewan gets to pick out a fun something all for himself tomorrow for being such a good, helpful boy, and for letting me sell some of his old stuff! Here's a little shout-out to Natalie, Bella, Ewan, Fynn, Aubree, and Brady for putting up with us today. (And poor Brady, I don't like to nap at other people's houses, either!)
Posted by Kelli at 9:56 PM 5 comments
October 24, 2007
Bertice Rachel
About four years ago, I was enrolled in an English course, and was given a paper to write. I don't remember the parameters, but what I wrote is one of the few things in my life of which I am deeply proud. I just entered a contest on an online writing site, and I used that paper. I realized it really belongs on my blog, and so I will share it.
My grandmother was a delightful woman who taught me about the souls of flowers and the chubby knees of babies. She cussed like a sailor and baked like a demon. From her I learned to make the best gingerbread cookies and why my family is so hilariously dysfunctional. Grandma was 88 years old and in her prime. She lived alone, cooked all of her meals, and still found the energy to set out bulbs each spring and fall. While this isn't a story about her life, it is her story, and I would like you to know it.
I have many brothers and sisters. Eight to be exact, but it feels like only two. Except for one sister above and one below me, the remaining six are more like distant cousins or uncles. I feel for those two women a sisterhood that goes beyond the ties of blood or being raised in the same household. Both are kindred spirits in varying, unique ways. I believe in and am constantly in search of “kindred spirits,“ women made from the same fabric as I am. When Grandma passed away suddenly mere days before the birth of my older sister’s daughter, I experienced the profound sorrow, Godly joy, and self-realization that only our kindred spirits can help us achieve.
My life had already begun a transition when I moved from my childhood home in Texas to the mountains of Utah. I was escaping a broken engagement and bad memories. It was my first time away from home and family. I missed my sisters terribly, as well as my older one's children. These were boys that had lived with us most of their lives, boys that shared a large part of my heart. My sister was also expecting a daughter when I left. I felt this deeply, as well as leaving my grandmother, who had some lonely spells. She thought I wasn't doing the right thing, leaving. But I knew I had to go, and that leaving pieces of my heart behind was necessary. Days grew to months, and I was accustomed to school, roommates, and living on my own.
One day I felt a pinch of guilt that I had not sent Grandma a letter in a while. I'll never forget that Tuesday afternoon in July. I remember the window was letting in a soft breeze as I sat to write. As my pen made contact with the paper, my hand stopped at "Dear...” I could not write "Grandma." Instead, I felt I should write to Brenda, a woman at church that I loved dearly. She had recently lost her eight-year old granddaughter to cystic fibrosis. A voice in my head said Brenda needed the letter. It didn't even seem necessary to write both of them. I wouldn't realize until later that my grandmother wouldn't have received the letter. She would be dead.
That Friday I was completing training of a new telemarketing job and it was my first night on the phones. I was doing well, but was nervous and on edge. I was thankful when a woman I did not know came to my station and turned off my phone. I finished my call, and as I did, my heart quickened when I saw a note with the name, "Ashley," my expectant sister. I just knew she had had the baby, and this was her calling to let me know. Upon seeing my expression, the stranger said, "No, this isn't good news." I was taken into an office and given the phone. My mind was filled with thoughts of stillbirth, or worse, and I was glad to hear Ashley's voice. She didn't mince words, but she spoke slowly. "Kelli...Grandma died."
Her neighbors had noticed she hadn't picked up her morning paper and called my dad. He and Ashley went over. He had to break in. There they found her.
It was arranged by my brother to fly me home. I had hoped to escape the viewing; I still don't like to see bodies of the departed. But I wasn't able to avoid it. It didn't help that she looked like melting plastic. I was therefore more than glad when my nephew became terrified and I escorted him out of the room. Grandma was laid to rest, and we all settled down to disbelief, resignation, and expectation. The paradox of sorrow and expectation: The baby girl we'd been waiting for would be here in a few days. I know now she, Chloe, waited around a while to be with her great grandmother. I have no doubt they walked in gardens together and talked about family. And about bringing me home.
Two days after the funeral, Chloe entered our lives. The feeling in the room when that baby girl came into this world was overpowering. I felt the presence of angels. I believe Grandma was there to leave Chloe with a blessing, and a farewell to her granddaughters, her sisters.
I went to her house the following winter. The house was about to sell, but I had some unfinished business with it. As I dug in the rock-hard, frozen soil for the bulbs she had raised her entire life, my fingers grew so numb they began to hurt. But I took home the yellow iris, the red Madonna lily, and the orange daffodil. I knew their souls. They bring my grandmother with them as they bloom each spring. And every time I see them, I feel the sorrow, which turns to joy, and I know myself better, the self I have forgotten throughout the year.
Posted by Kelli at 11:11 PM 18 comments
I Heart Target Forever, The Shoe Edition
Before I was married, I was a loser who lived at home and mooched off my parents, spending all of my money on clothes and shoes and packages for Bryce. I was also a good twenty pounds lighter than I am now. As a result, I used to be cute. Now that I'm married, I still spend money, just not near as much. There's always a low limit and a budget, the kids will need shoes or something else, so when I shop for myself it's always, "This shirt is o-k-a-y...and it's on clearance. I'll buy it." Then I get home and realize it's really not that great, quite frumpy actually, but I keep it because the color's nice or I like the pattern. When I shop for shoes at Target, or anywhere for that matter, I'll see a pair I totally love, then see the price tag and I''ll think to myself, "What?! $29 for shoes! What are they thinking?" I ignore that part of me, the part of me that knows $29 shoes are so awesome, and I've gotten into a rut of trying to cram as many things into my shopping excursions as possible, ugly as they may be. As a result, I have a closet full of stuff I kind of like, maybe, some days anyway, and shoes I really hate. I haven't owned a pair of shoes I loved since my so-called "Hollywood shoes" of '98.
So today when I took Fynn to get his flu shot, and I looked down at myself and noticed my outfit looked like I was a high-school student, and a nerdy one at that, I called Bryce and informed him I was going shopping. I've decided I will start buying things I LOVE, things I adore, things I wouldn't mind having babies with. I'll just buy fewer things, albeit better things. And so, I present you with today's purchase:I am so excited about those shoes. They are black patent-leather. *Sigh*
On a side note, when I worked at the Alamo-Rent-a-Car call center in Salt Lake City, there was a guy who would call over and over, and when he got the girls he would ask what shoes we were wearing, and did we drive a stick shift, and could we send pictures of our feet in our high-heels driving. It's because of guys like him I didn't take a picture of those shoes with my feet in them. Because I wanted to.
Posted by Kelli at 8:35 PM 12 comments
Ugh and Something Really Friggin' Cool, featuring lots of italics
I just haven't been "bloggy" since I deleted everything. I know I was able to get it back (Thanks again, Shannon), but it just hasn't felt the same. I was seriously upset when it happened. Bryce said when I first called to tell him about it, by my tone he thought something had happened to one of the boys. Seriously, and this isn't even me being melodramatic (as I am wont), but it was traumatic for me. (I mean, look at me, I'm only writing about it, and I've used italics two times. And now three times. Four. I think you get the picture, and I could go on forever, so I'll stop now. But not the italics. I need them when this subject comes up.) Nothing has felt this bad for me since last fall when I was six months pregnant and some lousy bastard stole my purse from my car at the park while I was less than fifty feet away, and I watched the whole thing, and my sonogram pictures of Fynn were in that purse, the ones that showed his perfect facial features and you could tell he looked like Ewan, and I mean, I never leave my purse in my car, EVER. I only did because I was less than fifty feet away. And I'm sorry I used that word, but what other words besides a**hole aptly describes a man who would steal a purse from an obviously pregnant woman while she pushed her two year old son on the swing? At ten in the morning? I rest my case, so forgive the word.
So anyway, I'm sorry if it's been kinda boring lately. It doesn't feel complete, like something is missing, even though my reposted stuff is only a link away. Hopefully I'll get back into the groove very soon, and feel happier about my little blog that could.
But there is something really cool that happened. A couple of months ago, I read a book and kind of reviewed it on here. You can read that review by clicking here. So a couple of days ago, I got an e-mail that I had a new comment. It was from someone named Kate, and you can actually read it if you go under comments on my "Some Confusion" post, just from a few days ago. And this comment, the one that caused me to furrow my brow, and wonder, "Who the hell is Kate?" Yeah, that one..., and read this slowly, it was from the author of that book. I am not even kidding. She lives in England, the book takes place in England, and when I looked at my sitemeter (tracks visitors) a visitor from England visited at the very time the comments were left. I mean, WOW. I know it's not like she found my site because I'm so fabulous, she just googled her book or something and found it, but OH MY GOSH. Who ever thinks something like that is going to happen? It just made my whole day. And that is a total understatement. There are no words for what it did to me. This is totally lame, but it was just really friggin' cool.
October 23, 2007
Conversations again...
Ewan: Mommy, why does the rabbit drink water all the time?
Me: Because he gets thirsty.
Ewan: But, why?
Me: Just like us, his body needs lots of water.
Ewan: Yeah, just like our body needs milk and root beer.
Me: (saying) Our bodies don't need root beer, but they do need milk. (Thinking: Yes, Ewan, fizzy brown drinks...my body needs them, but it ain't root beer.)
And this is actually funny only because he's had root beer twice in his entire life.
Posted by Kelli at 9:02 AM 2 comments
Labels: Coke, Conversations, Ewan
October 22, 2007
Anyone who knows me well knows that I was a fairy in a former life and long to be one again. This has manifested itself in my favorite books and poetry, and I used to write lots of very imaginative stories. In fact, that was one of the reasons I started to blog, to get back in touch with my writing self. Shannon led me to a website, Inside a Black Apple, that has really inspired me. While I am not even on the same planet with this girl in terms of creativity, fashion sense or sheer adorableness, I identify with her taste, and love everything on her two blogs. It made me want to incorporate a little bit more of myself into my blog, mixed in with Ewanisms and Fynn's milestones and the crazy news stories I love to read. With that in mind, I wanted to show you this:I bought her when we went to the fair a few weeks ago. She's wearing green and black argyle socks, for Pete's sake. I've collected fairies for as long as I can remember, literally. It started when I read Pat of Silver Bush by L.M. Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables fame.) But I don't like the ugly dollar-store knockoff fairies, or cheesy angel/cherub looking ones. And I'm not into evil fairies at all. (Although one fairy legend has it that they are the spirits cast out of heaven.) I like mine to look like you could stick them on a tree limb or under a mushroom and it would come to life. While these aren't exactly that, they were so cute. The one below is the one I really wanted, by the same artist.
I mean, how cute is she, with her striped stockings and bat-like wings? But she cost a little more, and I was feeling guilty, and since green is my favorite color and because I think she is what I look like in an alternate fairy universe, I chose the argyle-sock clad fairy. After I got home, I noticed she was wielding what looked like a bloody knife. Hmmm.... So I looked it up, thinking there would be another explanation. But, no, after looking at the painting she is modeled after, it does indeed look like a bloody knife. So...I'm just going to pretend the knife is bloody because she's an overly dramatic teenager who has just enticed her friends into a "blood sisters for life" vow. Better? Yes, I think so.
Regardless, I really like this. (Click)
*Note* My new template's links don't look any different from the other text until you roll your mouse over them. So if I write about something that seems like it should be linked, run your mouse over it and click, like the above mentioned painting, and where I wrote "this" in that last sentence. (That means you, Mom.)
*Note 2* And in case anyone is wondering, I know I wasn't really a fairy in a former life. Just a lawyer for one.
Posted by Kelli at 11:49 PM 6 comments
Some Confusion
I've enabled comment moderation on here, due to some spam comments that were left. All it does is after you leave a comment, it doesn't publish it until I approve it. So of course I will approve all my friends and family! So keep commenting; it will show up as soon as I approve it!
*Update* I'm too lazy. Comment moderation disabled!
Posted by Kelli at 9:23 PM 3 comments
Labels: Blog
I've done something I hate...
...and copied my friend Sarah by getting a new blog template. I've always wanted it to look different and more like ME, but couldn't find a good website. She found a totally awesome one. And VOILA! I did a fun one on my Recovering Skillywidden, too.
Posted by Kelli at 1:22 AM 5 comments
I've had a visitor...
I just got out of the shower to find a lovely little ladybug on my ceiling. She was so bright and had a particularly high number of spots on her back. I think she came to see me specifically. She must have smelled my yummy vanilla jasmine soap and wanted to borrow some.
Do you know that scene in You've Got Mail where she's writing to Tom Hanks and talks about the butterfly on the subway? She says that the butterfly is perhaps on its way to Bloomingdale's where it will buy a hat that will be a mistake because most hats are. That one, remember? I feel that way about ladybugs. Can't you just see them with tiny little hats on? I think bowler hats.
And I'm not crazy, just feeling a lot like my old self from long, long ago.
*Update* The ladybug has perilously dived into Ewan's morning bath. He's been resuscitated on the bathroom counter and is currently in I.C.U.
Posted by Kelli at 12:43 AM 9 comments
Labels: Happy
October 21, 2007
Just some catch up...
There hasn't been anything astoundingly wonderful to write about the last few days, except for my sister's Halloween party, which was a lot of fun, if not totally sugar-spiked. The kids had a good time, and Ewan managed to keep on his crab hat for about an hour before it got too itchy. He was most excited about bobbing for apples, which he did surprisingly well:He could talk about nothing but bobbing for apples for at least a week, but I honestly thought he'd freak out when it came time. But he didn't. Oh, me of little faith.
Sarah & Co. came as well as Shannon, Erin and Natalie. We all ended up in Ashley's T.V./game room while James and Bryce played an eternal game of ping pong. Lots of fun was had, and many messes were made.
I am usually a kind of anti-social person. I actually get pretty panicky when it comes time to go to some kind of event or gathering where there will be a lot of people. But lately, it seems I am booked for something all the time, which is good. I feel like a grown-up with a real social life and responsibilities that entail real commitments. It really is good for me. I'm glad I've made such good friends and that I have a calling at church I actually enjoy. Now if I could only prepare my lessons before Sunday in the car, that'd be great...
That's all I have for now. Here are some more pictures from our weekend. (Check out Shannon's blog for a few more.) I hope everyone had a great weekend and here's to a great week!
October 18, 2007
Best Laugh of the Night
"If your name is Toby, why don't you take a letter opener and stick it in your skull."
You have to be a watcher of The Office to understand. But seriously, it was good.
Posted by Kelli at 9:52 PM 4 comments
Labels: Funny, The Office, TV
Love & Angst
Ewan and Natalie have been friends since they were both 19 months old. Near the beginning, Shannon would always tell me that Natalie asked after Ewan constantly. She "talked" to him on the phone, asked after him minute by minute, and in the middle of any given day or hour, totally unrelated to the situation at hand, Natalie would say, "I love Ewan." It got to the point that it was even frustrating for Shannon and Keith. Shannon asked if Ewan ever asked about Natalie, and he never did. We joked that it was so typical, the woman pining after the man, while the man remains oblivious and inattentive.
Now that they are older, and in their "testing boundaries" phase, there are often skirmishes and disagreements, and at times it would certainly seem that the "honeymoon" is over. But today convinced me that under the surface, there are strong feelings indeed, feelings that would rival any teen angst soap opera.
On our way over to their house this morning, I gave Ewan the little talk, "We are going to play with your friend. Be kind and share, and don't tattle."
Ewan replied, "But, Mommy, sometimes Natalie doesn't like me." I explained as best I could that little children have days where they don't always like to play, or that sometimes they don't want to be nice to someone that is their friend. I told him he should just be kind to Natalie, and if she doesn't want to play, to find something else to do until she decides to play again. I then said, "Sometimes you like Natalie, and sometimes you don't, right?" He thought about it for a second and then said, "Mommy, I just like Natalie every way."
I thought that was so sweet, and was feeling bad for him in case Natalie, indeed, was falling "out of love." But my fears were calmed when Natalie, sitting somewhat sullenly in a chair, looked over at Ewan and said, "Ewan, who is your best friend, me or Bella?" It was the ultimate ultimatum, and so I see that all is well in paradise.
October 17, 2007
Snips and Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails
Nostalgia: Mini Conversations
I was just cleaning out my e-mail folders, trying to get more organized, and I found this e-mail to Bryce dated May 21, 2006, which means Ewan was just barely two years old. (I've posted a picture from around the same date.) This is one of those little conversations you don't want to forget, so I wanted to post it here, exactly as originally typed. Let's hope I don't delete my blog again...
1. Ewan was standing on the left side of your desk
pooping, with his ear pressed up against the speaker
listening to "Angels Fly." (*Side note, "Angels Fly"
is a Better than Ezra song really titled "Our Last Night."
He loved it.*) He pointed to the speaker
and said "I listening to Angels Fly right there." I
said, "yeah." Then he pointed to the speaker and
said, "What's that?" I said, "That's a speaker." He
pointed to the big speaker by the dresser and said,
"There's another speaker." I said, "Yeah, a little
speaker and a big speaker." He said, "They are a
2. Another Better than Ezra song came on right after
Angels Fly. He said, "I hear guitar, Mommy. That's
Angels Fly's brother."
Posted by Kelli at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Conversations, Ewan, Parenting
October 16, 2007
Bryce has been acquitted, for many reasons. Not the least of which being that he isn't Hispanic.
Posted by Kelli at 6:33 PM 4 comments
My Husband the Outlaw
I come home from preschool with Ewan to a phone message, "This is Detective R. from the Austin Police Department. I need to speak with Bryce Taylor..."
Um, OK? What?
So I called, and this sexually ambiguous sounding person answered the phone, and we began to speak. First he/she said, "I need to speak with Bryce, can he not call me?" He/she then started saying things like, "It might be nothing, there might not be anything to worry about," the tone of It's voice totally sounding like Bryce is being accused of some dark, sinister, horrible thing. I couldn't help thinking, this is the end of our life as we know it. "I then calmly, oh so calmly, explained I am his wife, I can't get a hold of him. And that being his wife, hearing a message from a detective looking for my husband is a little concerning. After a ten minute conversation, I learned that my husband was in Austin in October 12 at a gas station stealing beer. In a brown Honda. Huh. Imagine that. So that was Bryce's clone his parents and I were having dinner with in Downtown G.P.? And who was that man who bathed my children?!
We've never owned a brown Honda, and it still hasn't been officially cleared up, but we did sell a green Honda a while back. It was at this point in the phone call the detective, who I later discovered owned the first name Ava (she, indeed), said something like, "I can see a witness confusing a green car with a brown one." Like she totally didn't believe me. And I know, I understand these are detective and they have their leads to follow, but you could just hear the guilty conviction hanging over both our heads. They are waiting for video from the gas station to come back so they can compare it with his driver's license.
We just hope you'll come visit him at Sing Sing. And be sure to bake a knife into the pie you bring us. Bryce likes apple.
October 14, 2007
I'm Ashamed
Ashley sent me this hilarious article. But it's shameful my team didn't come out on top.
Posted by Kelli at 10:15 AM 2 comments
October 13, 2007
The Most Sincere Pumpkin Patch, Charlie Brown
Okay, there are waaaaaaaay too many cute pictures from today to not post, so this will be a two-parter since Blogger only lets you post five pictures per post. We went out to Flower Mound to a really nice pumpkin patch complete with bounce houses, hay rides, huge slides and a petting zoo. We had a lot of fun and picked out a modest little pumpkin. I like mine fat and perfect for Cinderella's coach, and they don't have to be big. Here are the pictures from the day that make my heart beat out of my chest from their illegal level of cuteness.
*Update* Apparently you CAN post more than five per post, but I'm going to leave this one as is because I don't want to lose the comments. (Thanks, Shannon.)
Posted by Kelli at 10:33 PM 7 comments
Labels: Bryce, Ewan, Excursions, Fynn, Happy, Holidays, Parenting, Pictures
Pumpkin Patch Part 2
Posted by Kelli at 10:20 PM 2 comments
Labels: Bryce, Ewan, Excursions, Fynn, Happy, Holidays, Parenting, Pictures
What a Week of Mishaps!
I am so glad this week is over. It just seems like it's been one thing after another after another. (I feel like I say that a lot. But I mean it this time!)
First there was Wednesday night. I decided once and for all that Fynn was going to sleep through the night, darn it, and nothing was going to tempt me to pick him up. So he cried. And cried. And cried some more. Two hours. I would go in periodically and rub his back and love on him, but then I'd leave and he'd cry like I'd shot his puppy. But then, suddenly, complete and utter silence. So suddenly it actually scared me a little. But I went and peeped at him, and he was asleep. In the five days since then, he has only awakened once after I put him to sleep. So while it was torture to listen to him cry, it's all going to be better in the long run. This was the same night as the aforementioned rabbit cage fiasco, which occurred at 1:27 a.m., just a half hour after I was finally able to doze off.
Wednesday or Thursday, Ewan spilled a huge glass of milk all over the couch in our kitchen. I love that couch. It's the most lovely kind of tacky hot pink and white wedding ring pattern, with the camel back. You can see it a little in the sidebar picture of Bryce and the boys. But, even though I totally love it, I am so sick of stuff spilling on it, and not being able to clean it properly, and having to sweep under it, and having toys get lost underneath all the time. So I said, "That's it, I'm done." (Bryce says I say that a lot.) And I hauled it out in the garage myself. I had hoped to keep it and someday reupholster it with new fabric as tacky or tackier as what's on it now, but someday I'll just get a new couch.
Thursday night, still recovering from major sleep deprivation, I went to bed semi-early only to be awakened at 2:30 a.m. by a series of rapid-fire gunshots, two bursts of about six or seven each, and the sound of screeching tires. I peeked out the window, didn't see anything, but had to wake up Bryce for the "should I call 911?" debate. I ultimately decided to call, and in the middle of our conversation, the dispatcher said, "It looks like you are right about where it was at..." Um..."Where WHAT was at?????" I never found out exactly. Good times.
Friday morning, as I was feeding the rabbit, I picked up the bag of rabbit food, which consists of gazillions of teeny, tiny little pellets. Yeah, I picked it up from the wrong end. And it was open. And this was in my bedroom. Which would have been fine, since we have hardwood floors and I would have been able to just sweep them up, if not for the fact that I recently put a rug in there, which is anchored under the bed and impossible to pick up without some major help. So I had to put my hungry baby in his crib while he cried and tried to vacuum it up. In order to not give the rabbit a heart attack, I wheeled the cage into Fynn's room next to his crib, but far enough away that he couldn't touch, just watch. Then the vacuum clogged. After finally getting it all sorted out, I discovered Ewan had pushed the rabbit cage right up against the crib and my Fynn was eating timothy grass.
There's even more, but I won't dwell on that. I'll dwell on the fact that it also was a week of friends, with Ewan's buddies Natalie and Bella and William coming to visit. I took pictures, although I unfortunately forgot to take one while Natalie was here. Ewan had a lot of fun, and it's so nice to see him interacting with other children.
Taking Donations
See, I thought I wanted this couch. But then I saw this one. And oh, my gosh, I would cut off my own toes for that second one. Which is OK with me, because then I'd have an awesome couch on which to recuperate while I learned how to walk again. And when I learned how to walk again, I would wear these shoes. How can you wrong when the description includes this sentence: "this vintage-esque pair seem touched by the green fairy."
Posted by Kelli at 10:41 AM 0 comments
October 12, 2007
The Flames of My Youth
My friend Sarah posted this story about almost catching her house on fire. While e-mailing back and forth last night, I told her I had an "almost burning down the house" story as well, dating back to my 12th year of life. She wanted to hear it, so I decided to post it here, because it's pretty dang funny.
It was a Saturday, and I was home with my sisters Ashley & Amy, 15 and 9 at the time, and my brother Erik, 18. My parents were off somewhere, don't remember where, and my sisters and I were really bored. Erik was asleep. Suddenly, we remembered an ancient Monopoly game underneath my parent's bed. The box had deteriorated long before this day, and the pieces and money were scattered everywhere. Ashley found a lighter of my dad's, and was using it to see in the darkness under the box spring. (Perhaps not setting the best example, but hey, I'm sure she wasn't thinking I would copy her.) The phone rang, and Ashley popped up to answer it, putting down the lighter. I took upon myself to take over as Monopoly digger for her, and grabbed the lighter. I flicked it on and began searching. At the same exact moment in time that I thought to myself, "Hmm...there's a hole burning into the box spring," it burst into flames right in my face. I froze for a second, and being prone to melodrama anyway, knew I had to be extra melodramatic in order to convey the seriousness of the situation. I screamed at the top of my lungs, "FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!" Ashley ran into the room, and it was just us looking at each other like, "What the hell do we do?!!!" She may have made some attempt to put it out, I really don't remember, but I do know she suddenly remembered Erik was home. At some point, he'd gotten up and started a shower. In the garage. (Yes, we had a shower in our garage. A story for another time.) So Ashley ran out the door, screaming to him about the little bonfire we had decided to light up.
This is the part where it turns from mildly amusing to a story that will be told at family gatherings for generations. Any questions I may have had about the male anatomy were quickly answered at the sight of my grown brother, fresh out of the shower, running down our long hallway like he was in a marathon. I don't know which I was more disturbed by, the fire eating my parents bed and moving toward the curtains, or the sight of my brother's bits flapping in the breeze. He managed to grab a broom, and put the fire out with that. He sat back on the floor, panting, looked up at us, and all was silent. It suddenly dawned on him that he was naked as the day he was born, and he high-tailed it out of there. We never talked about that part again. But the fire was out, and I can't play Monopoly to this day without remembering the valuable lessons I learned that day. One, duh, don't light a lighter under a mattress. Two, even in an emergency, try to have the presence of mind to close your eyes to the other horrors that might be taking place around you.
The Office
How great was the Office last night? (Am I the only one who watches it besides Sarah?) And I just have to say, the song Andy sang to Angela is one of my favorite Erasure songs of all time. It was so cool to hear it on my favorite show. And Jim's face after Meredith asked him to sign her pelvis cast was too good. That made the whole show.
Posted by Kelli at 9:03 AM 3 comments
Labels: Funny, The Office, TV
Amber in New York...
Comment so I can have the link to your blog. I lost it when I deleted mine. I'll link yours on here, too.
Posted by Kelli at 12:04 AM 2 comments
October 10, 2007
Report Card
I tell so many little stories about the boys and rarely do I just talk about what's going on with them in their little world. I decided I wanted to just write about them a little and tell you how they are doing. It amazes me daily how very different they are from each other. Perhaps an obvious statement, but it's just so fun to see their little personalities emerge. It has become so clear to me that while I am here to shape their ethics and morals and guide their education, their unique selves are definitely built right and waiting to show themselves. I just think when I look at Fynn how I can't wait to get to know him. I think, "Who are you? Who will you be?" And Ewan's more sophisticated individual interests are becoming so clear.
For example, did you know he is very into space right now, and I think he's becoming a Trekkie? There was a Star Trek insert in a magazine, and he became quite interested in the pictures. Grandma Mary Ann babysat him and they looked at it together, and he's been asking to watch it ever since. Bryce pulled him out of bed the other night when he found an episode playing, and Ewan stayed up until 11:00 utterly hypnotized. Mary Ann the closet Trekkie will be very proud. He is also learning a lot about animals, thanks to a kid's meal prize from Chick-fil-A. It's called Animal Adventures, and he's learned so much. It takes me aback when my three-year-old says, "Mommy, when the white-tailed deer is trying to take the other deer's territory, they fight and their antlers will get knocked off. But they grow back. It's called regeneration." Or when he discusses echolocation with me. There are mock music videos revolving around different animals terms, and his favorite is the one about the regeneration of crab's legs. It's a rock tune, and he sings it constantly. ("If you get in my face, I might have to be rude, cuz this is my place and you can't take my food. You think you're so tough but I don't care at all. When the battle gets rough and you rip of my claw. Regen - Regneration. If you rip off my limb I will grow it back again...") And he wants to be a crab for Halloween. (I need help finding a crab costume for under $50.) Another new thing is his obsession with cars and trains. For those of you who know us well, Ewan has never been a "typical" boy. Balls hold minor interest, and his tons of cars that I bought over his first year of life have sat gathering dust in his toy basket. But I recently organized their toys a little better with small bins rather than one big basket. His trains and cars are now well-used and enjoyed. And that little problem getting him to play in his room alone? A thing of the past. As is most of his apprehension around other children. He's learning to interact and play along with others much better. We've been going to a pre-school type setting at a fellow ward-member's house (Elisa), and he participates and really enjoys it. It really gives me joy to watch him.
Now my little Fynn, where Ewan was always very laid back, Fynn is constantly moving. He wants to be held a lot, which is difficult because while in my arms, he's constantly diving for whatever I pass or whatever he sees on the floor. I've just recently started to put him in the grocery cart seat for kids, but have to keep one hand on him at all times because if I look away for one second, he'll grip the back of it and stand up. In the blink of an eye he scales the length of the house. I could sit and read to Ewan at this age, and he would gaze transfixed by the pictures, while Fynn wants to see how far he can throw the book. He's also starting to interact more like a big boy now, and he has a very clear sense of humor already. Right now, he's a big imitator. The other day I found him standing at Ewan's easel, holding a marker while he reached way, way up and swiped it across the surface in a writing motion. He pushes cars back and forth after watching Ewan do it. He also says a very clear "kee" when he sees the cats, and a "oggee" when he sees the dog. He is now the proud owner of two top teeth, which has not been an easy journey.
I am so excited these two boys were given to me. I just hope I can give them as much happiness as they give me. They are far too good for me.
Posted by Kelli at 9:53 PM 9 comments
Labels: Animals, Ewan, Fynn, Happy, Parenting, Pictures, Report Card
Things I Learned Today
1. When pushing "delete," check 23 times that what you are deleting is actually the thing you want to delete, and not another, beloved thing that would be like deleting your heart.
2. Overusing the word "delete" is fun.
3. So is melodrama. But I've always known that.
4. When a rabbit's cage partially collapses at record-level decibels at 1:27 AM, the ensuing adrenaline rush will be enough to keep you awake indefinitely. Certainly long enough to be posting nonsense after 2:00 AM.
5. When same said rabbit is left to its own devices in your house, it will remove the dryer vent in an attempt to escape into the backyard.
6. Rabbits are hard to catch.
7. Adrenaline rush mentioned in #4 can and will last until 4:45 AM.
This is going to take some time, but I really want to keep past posts online. So what I am going to do is keep the www.rabbitsandcatsandboysohmy.com as kind of an archive. I am going to repost each one in order, so that the one at the top will be my earliest posts, and if anyone who is new is interested, they could just start from the beginning. (Although they may not be in perfect order within each month.) Then I will link it on the sidebar of this site. Phew. It will take some work, but I am determined.
Yes, Shannon was able to recover 99% of my posts, which is totally awesome. And she has requested chocolate chip banana bread.
Posted by Kelli at 2:37 AM 3 comments
October 09, 2007
Which reminds me...
There is a possibility that some of you might have some of my old posts from www.skillywidden.blogspot.com in your caches somewhere, or perhaps in old e-mails. If any of you have ANYTHING you could send to me that I could somehow restore, please do!!!! E-mail it to me at kellifairy@sbcglobal.net. I will be forever in your debt, and I will give you a spider from my backyard to express my gratitude. Seriously. If you want one. Or I will make you the best pumpkin bread ever. I am so serious. I don' care who you are or where you are, I will send you pumpkin bread if you can get me anything back from my old blog.
Posted by Kelli at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Oops
In the Meantime
Well, apparently it is nearly impossible to recover a deleted blog, unless you are a Google or Blogger employee. And getting hold of them is like removing your own heart through your belly button with a fork and a rubberband. Soooo....
...while I am waiting to hear from them, if that EVER happens, they will have to delete what is currently here, so I will be starting anew here. For those not-so-web-savvy, that address is www.rabbitsandcatsandboysohmy.com.
And I just have to say that I have not been as upset about anything as I am about deleting my blog. I feel like I lost a beloved pet. I never kept a journal much, but skillywidden had become one to me, and a very therapeutic one at that. I didn't realize how much I loved it and relied on it until I lost it. If I can't get it back, hopefully this one will be as enjoyable for you as for me.
Stupid Me
I have accidentally deleted my entire blog. I am trying desperately to get it back somehow. Please bear with me.
Posted by Kelli at 7:01 PM 0 comments